As a child, I was always one of the taller girls in my school. I was given comments about my height from all of my friends and peers, along with questions that I was asked on a regular basis. Here is what not to ask tall people, especially girls.
1. "Why are you so tall?"
Um, I don't know. Genes? Maybe it's my secret superpowers. Who knows.
2. "How tall are you?"
I absolutely hate, hate, hate this question. I get it on a day to day basis when I meet someone new or stand next to someone more than five inches shorter than me. I'm 5"9', which in reality is not that tall.
3. "Could you reach this for me?"
Ah, probably the most asked question I get. Most of the time I'll just roll my eyes and do it, but sometimes I just walk away. Whether it be a fab switch, flour from the kitchen cabinets, or towels from the bathroom closet, this particular question gets on my nerves. Ladders were invented for a reason people!
4. "Did you ever play basketball?"
Yeah I did play basketball as a kid, and I was damn good at being the center position as well, along with the other sports I played. Just call me the MVP.
5. "How's the weather up there?"
HAHAHAHA. You're so funny! No. Just no.
6. "Do you have to specially order your jeans online?"
"No." *yes*.
7. "Are you going to wear heels?"
Yes, I am, and I'll be working it. I wore heels to every homecoming, prom, and formal I've been to. Just because I am taller than 5'6" does not mean I cannot wear what other girls can. If Kendall Jenner can wear heels with her height, than why can't I?
8. "Is it hard finding a guy that is taller than you?"
Of course not. You just have to get friendly and flirty with the basketball team. It's not as hard as it looks.
9. "Can I hide behind you so ____ can't see me?"
You would be surprised how many times people have asked me this. "Oh, you're tall! Can I just stand behind you so my ex can't see me?" No.
10. "Do you ever wish you were shorter?"
I love being tall and the perks that come with it. I may complain once and a while about feeling like a skyscraper next to most of my friends, but I enjoy my height.