Being an identical twin, throughout my 21 years I’ve been asked some of the weirdest, funniest questions.The way people react to seeing twins is like they’ve never seen people that look alike before. I promise, we aren’t from another planet, we just happen to look if not identical but almost identical to someone else, born at the same time as someone and had a permanent built in playmate everyday as a kid. Being a twin growing up had its ups and downs but I’m honestly lucky to be one and wouldn’t want it any other way.
1. Are you two related?
Are we related? We’re a little more than related, we’re twins
2. Which one of you is older?
The whole one minute time difference doesn’t change the fact that we’re the exact same age.
3. So because you’re twins, can you feel each other’s pain?
As a matter of fact, no, at least not physically. I can’t feel your pain, I can’t feel my twins pain, I can only feel my own.
4. Do you like being a twin?
Honestly, we don’t have a choice, we don’t know what it’s like to not be a twin so the answer is yes.
4. Which one are you?
You have a 50/50 chance of getting it right so just take the chance, we won’t be offended.
5. So, which one is the smart one?
Does there have to be one smart twin? Why can’t we be equally as smart?
6. Do you ever switch places?
This is probably one of the most asked questions but no, I didn’t voluntarily go to my sisters algebra 2 class or take her place in a track meet. Contrary to popular belief, our lives are not like a movie.
7. Do you ever fight?
Absolutely, all the time. Do I ever want to disown her as my twin, of course but would I ever? Absolutely not.
8. Can you read each other’s mind?
Absolutely not but we can both tell you at the same time how much we hate that question without verbalizing that we agree with each other.
9. Who would win in a fight?
Well, we both would because if you mess with her, you mess with me.
10. Do you do everything together?
Well no because we are two separate people and have two separate lives on occasion, weird, I know.
Through all the strange and annoying questions, being a twin is such a blessing and I will answer all these questions everyday for the rest of my life rather than having to do life alone.