Returning home from college provides some much needed rest and relaxation from the intensive "studying" of the semester. However, coming home does provide some stressful experiences like forced family togetherness, awkwardly running into high school acquaintances at Target, or the dreaded line of questioning from your parents and entire extended family. We all know these questions well but here's a list of the 10 most anxiety-inducing and unanswerable questions your mom will ask you within the first 2 hours of your return from university.
1. Did you miss me?
This question is perhaps the most important. If you say yes, you might be lying, but if you say no, you get a guilt trip and probably some passive aggression that will persist into your middle age. A mom never forgets.
2. What are your grades?
The safest bet here is to feign ignorance and pretend that someone just texted you and then walk away. Repeat until you have safely made it back to school.
3. Are you dating anyone?
Don't answer, you need a little mystery since your mom probably facebook stalks you on the daily.
4. Why not??? Aren’t there any nice boys/girls in your classes?
"Yes, Mom, but I'm just really focused on school right now" is the motto of our generation.
5. Who was that boy/girl in one of your pictures? He/she was cute.
Subtlety really is a mother's forte.
6. Do you have an internship for this summer? What are your plans? Is Notre Dame helping you?
No, I don't know, and yeah hopefully.
7. Why are you more excited to see the dog/cat than you are to see me?
8. Are you eating enough at school?
9. Why did your friend say that on facebook?
It was a joke...
10. How did you lose your black Northface?
New phone who dis?