The holiday season is a time for giving thanks, reflecting on the past year, and of course dealing with relatives. For most college students Thanksgiving is not just time where we finally get to have a home cooked meal, it's the day of endless questions regarding our personal lives and futures. For those of you who may still have PTSD from being interrogated by your aunt's and uncles, enjoy this compilation of questions that I actually got asked over the holidays.
1) How is school?
It's going well, I have a 20 page paper due tomorrow and my dorm room smells like mold but I saw a dog outside the library the other day so things are looking up.
2) Are you seeing anyone?
No I am still single but thank you for reminding me Aunt Betsy, I had almost forgotten.
3) How do you feel about senior year?
Senior year makes me feel like I should have used this holiday as an opportunity to pass my resume around the dinner table.
4) You look great, are you working out?
Thank you! No I actually don't workout, I just ran out of money on my meal plan.
5) How did you run out of money on your meal plan so quickly?
Well it all started when Pub 56 let me take the aux cord....
6) Are you learning anything interesting in your classes?
I've learned that my body can survive on less then 4 hours of sleep but thats more of an observation then a stone cold fact.
7) Must be getting really cold up there in Canton, eh?
Actually it hasn't gone into the negatives yet so I guess there is a plus side to global warming after all!
8) Are you sure it's a good idea to take a post-grad year?
Haha no Uncle David I am actually not sure at all, so how about I call you in a year or so and we can discuss wether or not I still feel good about my decision.
9) Have you applied to any jobs or internships yet?
Funny you ask, I applied for one the other day but I spelled references wrong throughout my entire list of references so I am not expecting much.
10) Maeve, is that your 6th glass of wine?
Yes mom, yes it is.