The holidays are what college students live for, especially ones such as Thanksgiving and Christmas that include breaks from school. However, these holidays come with a cost – family gatherings. Overall, they’re great! You get to eat home-cooked meals, sleep whenever you want and aren’t flooded with homework. It doesn’t get much better than that folks. What’s the one unavoidable downside to attending? That would be the questions your family is guaranteed to ask that you either don’t know how to answer or really don’t want to.
1) How are your grades?
If you’re like me, you get asked this question on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis. Some lucky souls only get asked at major holiday events. It can be a painful one to answer if your grades aren’t where they should be. On the positive side, you can probably say you aren’t failing!
2) How are you?
I’m sleep deprived, stressed out of my mind, and have no life but I’m not going to let them know that! I’ll smile, nod and say I’m doing great. A little white lie never hurt anyone, right?
3)Are you and (enter name) still dating?
If the answer to this question is yes, you’re good. Feel free to ramble on about how great your significant other is. If the answer is no, good luck. This could lead to an awkward silence, follow up questions for details, or your Grandmother might set you up with her hairdresser’s neighbor’s son. You never know.
4) When are you going to graduate?
“Ummm… maybe next year or 2018 or 2020 or never.” This isn’t high school anymore. You are not the class of 20-whatever. Very few people graduate when they are expected to these days. You might change your major or need to take a smaller class load to keep your GPA up. It’s ok. Just tell your family that they can expect a graduation invitation in the mail when the time comes.
5) What do you want to do with your life?
Ha-ha what? I literally just picked a college/major and you want me to say what I want to do in ten years? I honestly don’t know what I’m doing for dinner.
6) When are your finals?
Don’t remind me.
7) Are you getting enough sleep?
No, but coffee keeps me going. Between pulling all-nighters to study for tests and going out with friends, it can be hard to get enough sleep. Scientists recommend that people get an average of eight hours of sleep a night. I like to think of that as more of a suggestion. However, whenever I get the chance to I’ll sleep all day. Too bad that doesn’t happen too often these days.
8) Do you have a job?
Yes, and it’s called school. Next question, please.
9) Have you made friends?
This question really makes you wonder what your family thinks of you. It’s pretty hard not to make friends in college. Do y’all really think I’m that socially awkward? Wow ok.
10) Do you need anything?
Is this even a real question? My answers will include money, food, hugs, puppies to pet, a vacation, etc. The list is truly endless.