Its that time of the year, the time in which every one you know comes in from practically all 50 states to sit around an absurdly long table with way too much food on it. Thanksgiving has arrived. I’m thankful for so much; like the clothes I wear, the food prepared, and well silence. During this week I have off I’d love to work on school work in peace; however with my 4 sibling coming into town I just know that won’t be the case. Instead I will have to sit around and explain to them what is happening in my crazy life. Every little detail from why I did my hair this morning to how I managed to get a C on the last test I took. Every stupid overly personal question has to be explained to my brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandmothers and grandfathers. The only thing I’m really thankful for is that we’ve compiled both thanksgivings into one day so I don’t have to go through this FBI styled interrogation more than once. While I may be being just a tad over dramatic, my family isn’t really this bad, I know that for some people it is like this x10. So I’ve thought through the 10 questions almost every college student is dreading to be asked this holiday season.
10. How was the drive?
How much more interesting can a 6 hour car ride get other than me screaming to the music at the top of my lungs so I don’t pass out from the zero sleep I got the night before?
9. How are your classes going?
Sub-question: Are you passing or are you spending all your time partying?
Oh, grandma, classes are great except for as much as I lock myself to my books to study for Biological Anthropology I can only manage to get a C+ on every test.
Sub answer: No, I don’t spend all my time partying…. I take Sundays as a break….
8. What’s your major again?
(Whether you've been in college for one semester of for 8 semesters I can promise you at least each family gathering someone will forget which person you are and what your major is)
Now that they know your major they will ask
7. Oh, so what do you want to do with a degree like that?
6. What do your summer plans look like?
I honestly don’t know what tomorrow looks like or if I am going to die from exhaustion, so thats TBD.
5. When are you going to come visit?
Will you be willing to pay me?
4. You look skinny or fat (for me the latter), what are you eating?
I eat what I want, don’t judge me while you have an everest size mountain of mashed potatoes on your plate.
3. Why are your nails/ clothes all black?
Black does not mean I’m emo and if it did why is that a problem?
2. Uh…why did you get another tattoo/ piercing?
Im a Millennial thats why!
1. Hows your significant other?
Oh wait you don’t have one…
Why don’t you have a boyfriend yet?
I became mentally tired just from writing this, oh boy I can’t wait for Thursday.
Have a happy Thanksgiving and I can only hope your family isn’t as judgmental, nosey, and as invested as mine.