I know that marriage is a long way from now, but I believe that anybody at ANY age should still think about what they want in a husband/wife. If you high standards for your husband there is absolutely no point in wasting your time on a guy that has close to nothing on your list expectations.
Here is my list of qualities and characteristics I want in my husband:
1. A man that truly values me and shows it
I want to feel like I'm worth something. I don't want to ever feel like me I'm being pushed to the side, am a second choice, or a constant chore. I hope that I am as special to him as he is to me.
2. Makes family their priority
I hope family always come first and, "I don't have time", is never an excuse.
3. A sense of independence
Even though our lives are combined now - We had separate lives before. I still want to have my own identity and I want my husband to his own as well.
4. Honesty
This means I want to know everything. No matter the issue or topic I want my husband to always be honest and I want to be able to be honest with him too.
5. Share similar religious beliefs,values, and morals.
I want to build a future with my husband. - In order to do that I believe we have to have similar views.
6. A strong work ethic.
I think that I have strong work ethic so I need someone that can understand that. I want to unstoppable together. :)
7. A Future
I want my husband to have a college degree, goals, and motivation.
8. A Sense of Humor
I want him to make me laugh and I want to be able to laugh together.
9. Patience
I'm hard to deal with, so he's just gotta be patient
10. Adventurous
I want to try new things and travel specifically with my husband.