Whether you're in engineering, natural sciences, or liberal arts, major shaming is the unfortunate reality we all face daily. What is it? Annoying. Major shaming is an opinionated commentary on anyone's choice of major. We could all stand to think before we speak and maybe consider supporting each other's life choices. In light of that, here are ten reasons why people should not "major shame".
1. It's inaccurate.
People often major shame in the form of assumptions, and we all know what happens when you assume.
2. Putting others down is always a misstep.
Making anyone feel like their life choices are invalid is just disrespectful. Hurting others to make yourself feel better doesn’t serve you well in the long run either - no one will like you.
3. It comes from a place of ignorance.
Do you actually know anything about the major you’re shaming? What does it take? What they even study?
4. Every major poses a completely different set of challenges.
Ok, so you have lab reports and they have book reports - to be honest, both sound equally terrible.
5. What someone chooses to “do with that” is none of your business.
Just because the major doesn’t include an obvious job title doesn’t mean they will never get one.
6. Only the beholder can really gauge the difficulty.
Don’t tell people their major is easy or hard, okay?
7. The memes are hurtful.
Tell us what you really think instead of cowardly hiding behind a computer out to get a quick laugh - you’re not getting credit for the jokes anyway.
8. “I could never do that”.
What is that even supposed to mean? What’s your point? P.S., you probably could.
9. It’s lazy.
If you’re making the effort to get to know me, get to know my major too before you start jumping to conclusions. Even better? Ask!!
10. It’s just rude.
Need I say more?