1. You have trouble reaching high things.
You’re always dragging around that little stool at the library, always asking employees to grab stuff off the grocery shelf for you, always straining on your toes and people will laugh at you for your efforts.
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2. People think you’re cute – like…kid cute.
You are dead drop gorgeous – but sometimes, people overlook that and see you as cute and child-like because you’re still short. They’ll say things like, “Aww, you’re so cute” or “OMG, you’re so adorable!” However, being a grown adult – that isn’t what you want to hear.
3. People use you as a chin or arm rest.
You’ll be standing with a group of friends and suddenly, someone’s arm is on your head or your shoulder. They laugh and talk about how convenient you are and you laugh, but inside you’re thinking about how they’re messing up your hair or how you feel disrespected.
4. Clothes never quite fit on right – even the petite stuff.
If you’re as short as me, the petite stuff is not petite. The shirts are just as long and go way past your bottom and the pants always need to be trimmed. Capris are also a problem because capris for you is just above the ankle in that awkward spot. Dresses that are supposed to be above your knees (like – for those extremely tall models) go down to your shins. Plus, those shirts with a string or a ruffle in the middle don’t quite sit in the right spot.
5. People underestimate your intellectual and athletic abilities.
There is a stereotype that, if you’re short, you are not as smart. Your knowledge is often overlooked, probably unconsciously by the people around you, simply because of a cultural stigma that being tall, apparently, means that you have it all – beauty, smarts, sports, etc. In addition, people don’t think short people can play sports as well, especially basketball. You might have to jump and put a little more effort into it, but you’re still just as good. Plus, since you’re closer to the ground, you don’t teeter as much and can move faster.
6. It may be difficult finding a significant other that is compatible with your height.
I’ve seen those couples where the girl is super short and the guy is extremely tall – and people comment that it’s awkward. I think it’s sweet. It might be a little harder to kiss, but that doesn’t really matter when it comes to your significant other. I mean, watch the Lovely Complex anime series (sorry, had to put that in there) where there’s a love interest between a lanky female and a small male. It is super cute (not child-like cute, romantic cute), and they address this height problem. Plus, it’s hilarious because of their facial expressions.
7. If only you were a little taller, you wouldn’t have those love handles.
You know those annoying lumpy love handles that you just can’t quite get rid of? Sometimes, I think to myself, if only I was an inch taller! However, reality is, I’m not going to grow any taller, so I should get exercising.
8. If you’re skinny and short, then you’re really tiny – and that just adds to the problems.
I know some ladies who are short and extremely thin and they talk about how that bothers them. They want to gain a little more weight and add a few more inches in height, but they can’t for some reason. However, in all honesty, those girls were gorgeous! Unless there is a health condition, there’s nothing wrong with being skinny just as much as there’s not a problem with being bigger. It’s all about perspective, and who said you had to satisfy society’s stand on physicality? That’s impossible! Girl, you look the way you wanna look and you be proud. I, personally, want to get a little skinnier, and that’s okay too.
9. You can’t see over the crowd.
That moment when you find an empty seat with an empty row in front of it so you can actually see the stage, and then a family of 6’11’s comes and completely blocks your view. Enough said.
10. People look down on you – literally.
Tall people are always tilting their heads downwards at you. That means you get to see their double chins and they get to see that perfect 45-degree angle where beautiful selfies are taken. Plus, you make other people feel better because you’re always the shortest of the shortest. When a short person comes and you’re just slightly shorter, they snicker about how they feel tall simply because you’re short. I mean, great; get that boost and feel good about yourself, but just be careful about it. Is it really necessary to point out?
Despite all of these problems, you know what? Being short, you can say that you’re fun size. Also, being short is a humbling experience because when you’re in that auditorium and that tall person chooses to sit right in front of you, you learn to not lash out and bonk them on the head for being so inconsiderate. When you need help grabbing something on a high shelf, you ask, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Plus, you know what’s like to be looked down on and can sympathize with others. You know that you’re smart even if others don’t realize it. You learn to figure out what clothing style works no matter how long it takes, and you make it look awesome!
Sometimes, you might wish to be taller, but I personally like being short. It gives you the opportunity to look up and see things that others don’t: the gum sticking on the roof of ceiling in your room or the sun and the clouds overhead, floating across the sky. You get to look forward to the future. Even when you get older and your back starts slouching – you’ve always been short, so it’s not a big deal; you already know what it’s like and know how to make the most of it.
Side note: Tyrion Lannister is a BOSS!