From the parent and adult perspective, college seems like a breeze. College kids have no commitment, no responsibility, and have the leisure time to watch Netflix and sit around. But coming from a student (a great student), we still are human and have problems (maybe minor ones), too. Have you ever encountered these problems?
1. "I don't know what to eat." (pizza, sushi, chipotle, the list goes on)
2. "Jobs only hire people with experience. How am i going to get a job if I don't have any experience in the first place?" (the problem of the century)
3. "I have 3 cents in my name, but do I go out for pitcher night?" (broke, but I wanna be fun)
4. "Homework, gym, or netflix?" (too many options, so I will just stay in bed)
5. "What's the weather like? It's 1pm but I haven't stepped outside yet." (I don't go outside unless I absolutely have to)
6. "Do I wanna look like a hobo or do I wanna look cute?" (my everyday look is hobo chic)
7. "Should I get drunk or do work?" (#conflicted)
8. "He snapchatted me, but he didn't like my insta, does that mean he doesn't like me?" (this makes me CRINGE)
9. "Do I eat this or will i get fat?" (I ask myself this everyday)
10. "Why am I taking these classes? These have NOTHING to do with my major and what I will be doing in the future." (Yes, folks. You've definitely heard this one)