If you're reading this article, hopefully, you've been fortunate enough to attend a concert by your favorite artist or band. I know people who have problem been to more Concerts in their first eighteen years of life than I will in my entire life.
*Also, really quickly, I'm defining "Concert" as music artist concerts and not classical music concerts.*
At this point in my life, I've been to a good number of classical music concerts, seeing as I'm a classical violin player, but only one actual Concert. And that first Concert I went to was only in 2017; it was the Atlanta concert of Ariana Grande's Dangerous Woman Tour.
In a few words, it was amazing for many reasons. For one, my best friend took me to go see her, so I now categorize that memory in my mental file of "Best Friend Memories." For another, I felt like such a daring student because I had an AP Physics practice exam the next day that I did NOT study for. But it was worth it.
Despite how incredible the whole experience was, I realized that I had felt some things that other concertgoers could relate to. I know I'm not a veteran at "concert-going", but I'm hoping that I'm not the only one who encountered the following feels:
1) Buying concert tickets spontaneously...even though you're pretty close to broke.
We've all been there, right? You probably needed to save that money but it's worth it. Your bank account may not agree though.
2) Memorizing the lyrics to the newest songs, or all of the songs if you don't know the artist's work well.
I'm currently doing this because I bought tickets spontaneously and need to know ALL of Young the Giant's songs before their concert in February. My Spotify literally is replaying the same playlist over and over. It may seem overboard, but I refuse to let this experience go to waste because I can't jump to the music.
3) Planning an outfit because people are TOTALLY gonna see what you look like in the dark
Yup, here's the awkward empty stage pic.
The outfit you choose will be super cute in all the awkward empty stage pics you take with your buddy!
4) Wearing heels or any kind of shoe that makes you short people be able to see over us giants
Sorry you guys aren't a few inches taller. Sincerely, Tall People.
5) Debating between using your phone and "just living in the moment"
This was the tenth selfie we had attempted so the couple behind us was definitely getting a bit antsy and decided to help us make it perfect. Please ignore my face.
I have mixed feelings about this one. I understand both sides. For some, they may not get to go to a lot of concerts in their life, so documenting the ones that they do get to might be really meaningful. Of course it's not a studio-film quality video they'll end up with, but it'll give them the feeling of reliving the experience. That usually leaves the rest of the audience having to deal with a million phone screens blocking their view of their fave musician. If you're taking videos of your favorite songs, you might be someone who ends up screaming along and your video audio will just pick up your "wooing" and screams. And chances are, if you're being obnoxious and taking selfies in your seat, the couple behind you might choose to photobomb you.
6) Conserving your phone batteryÂ
If you are one of the people who just tries to record and Snapchat the whole concert, you'll understand the agony when the concert has only just started but you're on 60% from using it during the opener and just to pass time.
7) Having to stand the whole time
This is where I want to extend an apology to the short people having to wear heels and to the people in the back who can't see no matter what. We all know our backs are gonna be pretty broken the next day.
8) Needing to use the bathroom but they JUST got to the good part of the setlist
You're probably thinking to yourself "I'll go during the next song. Wait, never mind, I love this song. I'll wait till the next one. Nope nope, not this one either." And then you can't wait anymore or you'll explode. Drink water folks, but ration it out.
9) Well, you're probably gonna be deaf from the volume the next day.
After my first concert, I heard ringing for a solid three days. An interesting but uncomfortable side effect of having bass blasted in your ears for a few hours straight.
10) And you'll probably lose your voice.
If you're at the concert of your FAVORITE favorite artist, you're probably gonna scream a good bit. And by good bit, I mean a lot. It's not gonna be the same if you don't. Either way, have a great concert season in 2019; here's to hoping you have some awesome nights.