Now that we are no longer kids, I feel like our parents and family are all but lost when it comes to what to get us for Christmas. Sure, cash is always great, but if your mom is anything like mine, gifts to need to be personal, not passable.
Here are ten things you might want to put on your Christmas list — they aren’t shiny new toys, but they definitely will come in handy when your broke again by January 1st:
1. Skincare Products
If you have your tried, tested and true products, you might as well ask for them for Christmas—it hurts a lot less to use a $25 bottle of toner youdidn’tpay for.2. Greek Life Dues
Like many, dues aren’t something you just forward to your parents whenever they go live — paying for them yourself might get rough, so see if your parents might split the bill rather than having to foot it all yourself.3. Amazon Prime Membership
4. Adobe Creative Cloud Membership
5. Durable Clothing/Footwear Purchase
Whether this be rain boots, a winter coat or sturdy book bag, now is your time to shine.6. Car Emergency Kit
It only takes one time to make you wish you had it…I would suggest giving another, shall we say better, gift along with this. Alone it would feel like getting tube socks and a new toothbrush.
7. Charging Bank for Laptop/Phone
This sounds like the most mundane item, until you realize how much you actually need it. I’ll admit it, I sent the link to my mom as I wrote this article.8. Conversation Starter Games
A good stocking stuffer and a great addition to a box of Franzia.
9. A ~Fancy~ Planner
Gone are the days of Mead planners—if you wanna look like an adult in this town, you have to get a planner that has a cooler aesthetic than you do.
10. A Watch
To wear during presentations, interviews and to just generally look like you’ve got somewhere important to be.