In this current political climate when all we want to do is pull our hair out, here are 10 bad political pick up puns to make you laugh so you don't have to cry.
1. I wouldn't be Biden my time to see you again.
2. I hope getting into your pants isn't as hard as getting into Hillary's emails.
3. Wanna see my Cheney?
4. You're as sweet as sugar Kaine.
5. I've got some serious Melania for you. Don't Trump my hopes.
6. Warren you so glad we went out tonight?
7. McCain I have your number?
8. It makes no Pence to me why we haven't gone out on a date yet.
9. Let's go Cruz-in' in my car sometime.
10. Wanna shower together? Al Gore would want us to save water.
Do you feel better about this election yet? No? Me either...