10 Podcasts Every Millennial Should Listen To | The Odyssey Online
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10 Podcasts Every Millennial Should Listen To

Move aside, Netflix, podcasts are the new binge-stop.

10 Podcasts Every Millennial Should Listen To

Now, I think we've all done the Netflix binge more times than we can count, am I right? But with the way the world is changing today, there are so many different platforms for entertainment that also provide a good basis of information that could be useful in your everyday life. Here are ten of the top podcasts that would benefit this generation's up and coming young adults.

1. Millenial

Host Amy Tan provides the one thing that millennials need- a guide to managing your 20s in this day and age. Relating her personal experience with that of this generation’s young adult crowd, Tan dives into all the awkward and uncomfortable situations that need to be talked about. Tan shares on a platform that helps millennials know that they are not alone in what they are going through.

2. Travel with Rick Stevies

As the title implies, this podcast by travel writer Rick Stevies is all about his adventures around the world and his experiences with different people groups and cultures. Each episode, Stevies interviews a guest about their travels and advice they might have. This podcast will ignite your wanderlust and have you packing your bag by the end of the first episode.

3. Another Round with Heben & Tracy

This podcast is produced by Buzzfeed, so right off the bat we know that hilarious topics will be discussed. The hosts, Heben Nigatu and Tracy Clayton, spend their episodes discussing everything under the sun. From serious topics like race and gender in the media, to lighthearted pieces about battling the temptation of fried chicken, this pop culture podcast will have you laughing and using your brain.

4. Reply All

In this podcast, hosts PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman discuss one of the most prominent forces in a millennial's life- the internet. Whether it be tips on how to use the internet and it’s various features, or just discussions on how different aspects of the internet shapes people, this podcast is for anyone who wants to know a little bit more about the resource they use everyday.

5. The Nerdist

Though this show is a staple in your mom and dad’s podcast line-up, it’s becoming increasingly popular with the millennial generation as well. Host Chad Hardwick and his “nerdy friends” Jonah Ray and Matt Mira bring in bring in celebrity guests host to talk nerd and pop culture with. Recent guests include Chris Hemsworth, Patrick Stewart, and J.J. Abrams. This podcasts gets a bird’s eye view into the minds of the people the world is fascinated with.

6. WTF with Marc Maron

Hosted by comedian Marc Maron, this podcast will have you rolling on the floor laughing with each episode. Diving into the world of philosophy and ‘what is the meaning of life’ topics, Maron brings in various celebrities and comedians to help him figure out the answers to some of the most “complex” questions of the world. This podcast is nice one to skip your philosophy homework for.

7. Back to Work

On a more serious note, hosts Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin deal with the real issues that millennials, or anyone, face while working in an office setting. Providing tips and advice on how to handle situations like when to use your iPad at work and how to address topics in the workplace that you know nothing about, these guys bring a lot of sense into the nerve-wracking world of office life and world views.

8. Serial

Remember that Netflix binge we were talking about? Yeah, and remember when Making a Murderer was at the top of your queue? Well, look no further for your next murder mystery obsession. This podcast dives into the story of a different serial murder mystery during each season, revealing new aspects of the case with each episode. Host Sarah Koeing uncovers the story at the same pace as the listener, reacting to the details as she reads them aloud to her audience.

9. Surprisingly Awesome

Looking at the titles of each episode, this podcast quite literally looks like the most boring half hour show you will ever listen to. But, surprising their listeners with a comedic outlook and enthusiastic front, hosts Adam McKay and Adam Davidson take a look at the most boring subjects of the world and find the awesome. Want to know why broccoli and concrete are so awesome? Listen up.

10. The TED Radio Hour

Much like it’s video counterpart, TED Talks, this podcast provides inspiring stories and advice for people of all ages to absorb, from the innovators and entrepreneurs that have gone through the fire before. Produced by NPR, each episode dives into topics that motivate and encourage those listening. Finding the source of happiness in your own life and discovering innovation in everyday situations are only a few of the topics that are covered each episode. This podcast is great for anyone who needs a little kick in the butt to do something amazing.

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