Cleaning our tables, counters, and floors just isn't enough. We need to be thinking about places and things we touch everyday and aren't cleaning.
Your phone screen
Probably one of the most germy things we touch everyday.
Fridge/microwave door handlesĀ
I don't know about your house, but these handles can get super gross.
Light switchesĀ
Our hands touch them everyday without even thinking about it.
Keyboards/computer mousesĀ
Your keyboard has probably been catching all those crumbs from chips you've been eating, as you watchiNetflix on your laptop.
Your car steering wheel/handlesĀ
Your steering wheel or car handles are the first things you touch after going anywhere.
TV remotesĀ
Everyone in your house is touching this and it probably falls on the floor half the time.
Sinks/shower handlesĀ
It's like the place we go to clean, but we aren't cleaning the thing we want to use to get cleaned.
Above your refrigerator or cabinets
Just because you can't see the tops of these surfaces, doesn't mean they aren't dirty or dusty. Trust me.
Under different kitchen appliances
You know like your toaster, bowls, or your fridge that just sit there all the time. Stop cleaning around them. Scrub under there and clean up all those forgotten crumbs.
Your trash can
Food or drinks can miss the trash can liner and can fall into the can itself. The next time you take out your trash, wipe down the inside of it too!
Now, go get cleaning!