10 Places You Must Visit If You Live In The Northeast | The Odyssey Online
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10 Places You Must Visit If You Live In The Northeast

Places to go on your northeastern road trip

10 Places You Must Visit If You Live In The Northeast

Living on the northeast is a blessing. We are surrounded by so many beautiful places, some hidden and some known. The best part— these places are only a road trip away. They are also the perfect locations for a quick getaway, no matter the seasons. So, if you live on the northeastern region of the United States, do yourself a favor and visit these places.

1. Montauk, New York

Why you should visit: Montauk is a well kept secret. It's just an hour or so from the Hamptons so it often goes unnoticed. It has miles of beautiful, serene beaches and is adored by fishing lovers.

2. Mystic, Connecticut

Why you should visit: The historical town of Mystic is a New England hot spot. The Mystic Aquarium is a popular attraction for kids and adults alike. Olde Mistick Village is just the perfect, picturesque town.

t3. Stowe, Vermont

Why you should visit: Stowe is the perfect winter activities destination (aside from being absolutely beautiful). There are plenty of breathtaking lodges and sites for skiing and snowboarding.

4. Portland, Maine

Why you should visit: Portland is the definition of a hidden gem. The beaches are amazing and the town is quaint, in the cutest way. A visit to the Portland Head Light is mandatory.

5. Niagara Falls, New York

Why you should visit: Okay, Niagara Falls isn't exactly a hidden gem but it's a must visit. It's absolutely breathtaking and at night, it's lit up with the colors of the rainbow. So cool.

6. Mount Washington, New Hampshire

Why you should visit: Mount Washington is another popular destination in the colder months. There are tons of places to ski and snowboard but the Cog Railway offers a more memorable experience. They advertise as "climbing to the clouds" so that should tell you just how awesome it is.

7. Nantucket, Massachusetts

Why you should visit: Nantucket is a tiny island off of Cape Cod (another northeast hot spot) and it's gorgeous. If one of your hobbies is going on Pinterest to look at dream houses, Nantucket is your haven. The beaches are pretty nice too.

8. Newport, Rhode Island

Why you should visit: Newport is the definition of a beach town (a beach town we all wish we could afford to live in). Driving down Ocean Drive is a must-do. It's one of the prettiest drives you will ever have, I promise. And you can't miss out on the views from the Cliff Walk.

9. Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts

Why you should visit: You know the shirts with the black labrador on them? Yea, those are from here. Aside from the beautiful beaches and cute town, the Aquinnah Cliffs are one of the best spots.

10. Acadia National Park, Maine

Why you should visit: If you're not a beach person but you enjoy the outdoors, Maine's hidden gem should be on your bucket list. You can bike, hike, kyack and just enjoy the beauty Mother Nature has to offer.

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