Finals week is upon us here at Ohio University and if you are feeling the pressure of these last exams that can determine your grade in a class, don't fret! I have come up with the perfect places for you get get all your emotions out in a safe environment!
10. Your room
Sometimes you need a little privacy to get it all out, and no one knows how to cheer you up like some leftover ice cream, Netflix, and warm blankets!
9. Your lounge
This is a space where you can get work done, and you may just find someone else crying in despair, too.
8. The shower
Your tears will blend in with the water. The shower head is crying with you.
7. The Ridges
A place almost as scary as your exams. This is the perfect place to reflect.
6. Dirty South
Dirty South is a whole other world, you can find all kinds of crazy things back there. Trust me, I've cried back here before, there is something very comforting from the maze of buildings. You also might just find someone to comfort you.
5. Baker Center
Here, you are in public so you are forced to keep your tears down and focus on your work. You may also be able to find people to help you if you're stuck.
4. Ellis Hall bathroom
I don't know about the guy's stalls, but the women's is full of encouraging messages that always brighten my day! This is the perfect place to cheer yourself up, unless, of course your final is in English, then you might want to avoid this option.
3. Your best friends room
No one knows you like your best friend. No one can cry with you like your best friend. And no one can cheer you up like your best friend. You may also be able to study with them.
2. Donkey Coffee (Or really any coffee shop in Athens)
This way, non-judgmental hipsters can cheer you up! And, Donkey is open 24 hours finals week, to get you full of caffeine so you can stay up and cry more!
1. On your final
Because you spent so much time crying over them, you forgot to study!