Staying positive every day isn't always easy, I know. Believe me. When life starts to treat you like shit, it's completely understandable to treat yourself like shit in return. But you can't. Here are just some of the things I remind myself every day, especially when life turns to shit (like it is now). Some are simple thoughts, little reminders, pieces of advice and Bible verses.
1. My worth.
First and foremost, I tell myself every day what I'm worth. So many people nowadays don't realize what they deserve, especially those who have never felt like they are worth anything. Believe me, when I tell you that deserve the world, you're worth the world and you're someone's world.
2. I am enough.
I guess some would think this is similar to my worth, but I don't. I am always telling myself that I am enough. I don't need to change who I am or how I think to make others feel comfortable. I don't have to dim my light, my drive, or my goals. I will never apologize for accepting and being who I am. Because I am enough.
3. "Let all that you do, be done in love." - 1 Corinthians 16:14
One of my absolute favorite Bible verses, and something I strive to live by. I will always and forever do everything with my best intentions at heart. There is so much hate and spite in the world. It'll never hurt to be kind just for the sake of it, or trying to understand what someone else is going through. "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." - 1 Peter 4:8
4. "I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born, says the Lord." - Isaiah 66:9
This is something I personally struggle with, just like I am now. It is so hard to remind myself of the cliché saying, "when one door closes another one opens." Right now, especially right now, I really just want to say, "screw it," and forget all of my responsibilities. But I can't, I have to remind myself that God's plan is greater than the plan I had in mind. As hard as it is, I just have to have faith and trust that everything will come together how it should.
5. You don't have to know all the answers.
Even just the thought of not understanding something makes me implode. I can't even understand why I can't understand everything. Because why can't I? Who said I couldn't? It's awful. It is so terrible feeling like I have to understand everything. But I can't, I know I can't. I can't understand everything, and it's something I have to learn to be OK with. Slowly but surely.
6. The opinions of others don't matter.
After years of caring what other people think of me, I'm learning to not give two shits. No one else has to deal with the choices I make or the struggles I go through. They are mine and mine alone. I don't need anyone's approval but mine (and maybe my mom and dad's).
7. Stop taking things personally.
I'll admit this: I definitely expect way too much out of people, so I constantly feel let down and hurt by others when they get my hopes up or don't take my feelings into consideration. Which I really think everyone does, but I make things into a bigger deal than they have to be. My friends and people I meet won't always know or think about my past, my anxieties and my triggers. And that's the important thing to remember. It's OK to feel hurt when someone hurts you, but is it always worth fighting over? Not always. I have to learn to just let things go.
8. Never take things for granted.
This should be my easiest reminder, but it's not. I try so hard to be thankful and present when good fortunes are presented to me, but that doesn't make the leaving any easier. It's such a selfish thought to think good things can just stay instead of moving on when we need to. I am constantly reminding myself that things won't always stay one way. Not to make the moment depressing or leave it behind, but so I make sure I appreciate everyone and everything that comes and goes from my life.
9. Love yourself.
Number one and two definitely go with this one, but they are all important on their own. It is so damn important to love yourself. To wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and say, "Holy shit do I look good." Be unapologetic in loving every aspect of yourself. Eat breakfast, put a little extra creamer in your coffee, have that extra piece of bread at that fancy dinner because you love yourself. You won't always be surrounded by people who think highly of you, so treat yourself like royalty. You deserve nothing less.
10. I am human.
I think this is one of the most important ones. I'm human. I'm allowed to scream and cry when I'm hurt. I'm allowed to be alone for a few days to recuperate from the mental, physical, emotional stress I have been under. I'm allowed to mess up. I'm allowed to feel things to the fullest of their capability if that is how they affect me. I'm not perfect, I will never be perfect. But maybe one day I'll be someone's version of perfect. And even then, I still have to remember that I am only human.