I will start off by saying I......LOVE.....PUGS, but I especially love one named Doug. Doug the Pug is popular on many forms of social media. He posts pretty regularly and I do feel a certain affinity for Doug. Here are 10 photos that prove that THE Doug the Pug is my spirit animal.
1."I'm grumpy deal with it."
Especially when I don't get my 12 hours of sleep.
2."Binge watch, won't stop"
Must....be....productive! "Continue watching Marvel's Daredevil?" Okay just ONE MORE EPISODE.
*One hour later*
Must...be... (the cycle continues)
3. "To go out or eat pizza alone, that is the question"
If I had a nickel for every time I have asked myself this.....
4. "When ur having a cheat day and see someone judging u"
Yes, I am enjoying this ice cream. This doesn't concern you. Move along....
5. "I am one with my bed."
And nothing shall separate us!
6. "Every time I look at my bank account."
Pay day = best day, but until then....
7. "Why am I always tired"
I need my beauty sleep. Looking this good doesn't happen by accident.
8. "When someone tells me that cold pizza isn't an acceptable breakfast"
If someone tries to tell you that cold pizza is not an acceptable breakfast, distance yourself from them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.9. "Kale would never taste this good"
Agreed Doug. Agreed.
10. "I miss my bed" 
I do too, Doug. In fact, I think I'm going to go back to it.