Ahh the long awaited winter break… finally the end of semester is here! Only thing left to do is pack a bag and make the trek home. Of course the most exciting thing about the holiday break is reuniting with those you missed. My little puppy was so wound up when I got home and seeing my family made it feel more like Christmas time, but the best part was seeing my best friends.
If you're lucky, you and your best friends share a campus, but either way, you'be probably been waiting all semester to see someone. Here are the 10 phases my besties and I went through once we were all home again.
1) The anticipation!
Almost couldn’t believe the day had come but then I was the first home and had to wait and wait and wait!
2) Extreme frustration
Why are there still so many things keeping us apart! Dang snow and ice come back after we're snuggled up watching our favorite movies!
3)Texting each other nonstop
Even though I know they're still in finals, packing, or driving back I'll be blowing up their phones till they're back with me.
4) Showing up unexpectedly at each other's houses 
It's after midnight but they just got home and I just can't help myself!
5) Extreme joy all over the place
You wouldn't believe that with all the time we spend on the phone together that there would be so much to hash out…
7) Falling into old traditions
Mexican food and movie reruns
8) Making the most of the time we have together
That feeling where you just don't want them to leave your side because all too soon there will be hundreds of miles between you.
9) Therapy sessions for days
There's so much to give and get advice on but just not enough time, but our conversations pick up right where they leave off each time so that helps.
10) Holiday gift exchange
Since it is that time of year we get a pass on spoiling each other (even though we’re both broke)
Ultimately the saying is true this is the best time of year!