Classes are over, you killed your finals, and moved back home. Summer has officially begun. Your semester at school was absolutely amazing, but nothing compares to the shenanigans of summer. Yes, you have a million things to unpack and a new job to start, but there is still more than enough time to enjoy the next few months and plenty to be excited about. Here are 10 perks of it finally being the best time of the year:
1. Being Home
It feels so great to finally be back in your own element. Back to your hometown where everything is familiar and comfortable. Your room is flooded with boxes and bags from moving out, but it's still good to be back. Privacy, free laundry, and most importantly, FOOD.
2. Friends
So many new and amazing friends were made at school, but now you can finally reunite with all your old home friends you haven't seen in months. Seeing them and catching up is so refreshing, it feels like you never left their side and nothing has changed.
3. What are classes?
You spent all semester waking up early for classes and camping out in the library. Finally you're free from any school-related responsibility. No all-nighters studying for tests, no awkward presentations, no 8 am alarms. Your only homework is to have the best time possible.
4. Being The Best Version Of Yourself
Let's be honest, we've all put on a few pounds this winter. The dining hall was no help when it came to eating good food and the cold weather just made you crave more than usual. Now, it's time to get healthy and fit. More time to exercise and eat right, not to mention beach days will be all the motivation you need.
5. Memorable and Crazy Nights
Summer nights are hands down the best part of this season. Bonfires and parties will be the nights you do crazy things with your friends and make memories you'll never forget. These are the nights you'll look back on: make them worthwhile.
6. The Weather
No more snow, no more jackets and boots, no more bitter cold. After spending months indoors wrapped up in blankets like burritos, it's time we get outside and stay outside. We can take advantage of this beautiful and warm weather by going on hikes, kayaking, or just going for a run.
7. Making Money
So working isn't the most favorable summer activity, but it's needed. Now is the time to work your ass off and save save save. Without the weight of classes and studying, you have more time and no excuse to not work and make money. Of course, you should be saving for school, but it's okay to splurge every once in a while on a concert ticket or a day trip somewhere. And don't worry, you still have days off to have fun.
8. Endless Opportunities
Don't spend every night off drinking in a basement at someone's house. Those nights can be fun, but there are so many other things to fill your schedule with. Now is the time to take a road trip, go camping, anything. We have endless opportunities to do basically whatever we want to do and go wherever we want to go, so get out and do it!
9. The Beach
It's about damn time. All year we've been waiting for the day we can finally run to the beach. Where else would anyone rather be? Laying on the sand, getting tan, and swimming in the ocean. Nothing could ever possibly beat those beach days.
10. Enjoying Yourself
Regardless of what it is that makes you happy, 99% percent of the time, you can do it in the summer. If it means going out, go out. If it's spending all day reading by your window, do it. You worked hard all semester, it's time to reward yourself now. We have about four months to enjoy ourselves, let's get started.