10 Perks Of Living On A Small Campus | The Odyssey Online
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10 Perks Of Living On A Small Campus

Because size matters.

10 Perks Of Living On A Small Campus
Manhattanville College

When it comes to college, there are so many different college experiences one can have. Living on a big campus is a different experience than living on a smaller campus which is different than living on a city campus which is different than living off campus. The point is no college experience is alike, which is really cool. So whether you are trying to decide what kind of campus to go to, you don't live on a small campus or you do live on a small campus and can totally relate, here are the top ten perks of living on a small campus.

1. You get more sleep.

Since EVERYTHING is at most 5 minutes away, you never have to worry about getting up too early.

2. You never miss the excitement.

Word travels fast and everyone gets involved so there is no need to worry about missing out!

3. Food is easy to find.

There are limited options but you know exactly where and when you can find what food and who delivers to campus at what hour of the

4. You know everyone.

Since classes are small and so is campus, you're guaranteed to know someone wherever you go!

5. Classes aren't far.

You can never relate when friends talk about walking 20 minutes or having to take some sort of shuttle to class. You practically roll out of bed and are there!

6. You live near all your friends.

With a campus so far chances are you live in the same b uilding as all of your friends. If not, they're only a two-minute walk away!

7. You're never alone.

You always have someone to walk with, eat with and just hang with!

8. Everything is a big deal.

Not much happens on campus, so when something does you bet it's a pretty big deal!

9.You know campus safety.

It's always nice to drive on campus and get greeted by a friendly face and know who's there to keep you safe!

10. There's always a friend nearby.

You love your small close knit campus and wouldn't trade it for the world!

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