More often than not, people will never let you forget that you are short. Someone will always have to comment on how short you are and ask what your height is. Some may also tell you that you will never grow or you have not since you were in middle school. Many are bothered by these comments but here are a few perks to being short.
1. You will never have to worry about legroom.
Whether it is in the car or the airplane, you will never be uncomfortable if there is not a lot of legroom because you do not need a lot of it.
2. You do not have to bend over to not hit your head on something.
If you are unlucky, you may have to tilt your head to keep from hitting your head on a tree branch or something but it is not very often.
3. You can shop in the kids' section.
This will ultimately save you a lot of money by buying kid's-sized shoes and clothes. If it fits, no one will know.
4. You are a pro at crowd weaving.
Crowd weaving becomes easier because you are so small and short that people do not see you coming and let you through.
5. You can fit in almost any bed size.
You do not have to worry about your feet hanging over the end of the bed.
6. You will forever look young.
It may be a blessing or curse depending on your age, but who does not want to always look young.
7. You will be extremely good at limbo.
The goal is to always win and you are probably the closest to the ground so it may be unfair for the other opponents.
8. Evidence that short people live longer.
Check out the information, science proves that more compact bodies function more efficiently.
9. Some sports require you to be small.
If you ever want to be a jockey or gymnast you already have a big advantage.
10. You can be lazy and have other people get you things you cannot reach.
Even though you can climb on a chair or the counter, it is always more fun to ask someone else so you do not have to do anything.