I keep forgetting, but the presidential election is actually coming up really soon. November 8th is less than two months away, and still most people I've talked to about the issue are undecided and mostly just complaining about how much they hate having to choose between the two candidates-myself very much included. I find my mind wandering a lot, thinking up much better scenarios than Trump v. Hilary. Here are my top choices.
10. Grace VanderWaal
She may be 12, but she just won America's Got Talent so she has her life together more than any of us. Plus, her songs and lyrics are soooo good. She definitely understands me better than the candidates do.
9. Michelle Obama
Honestly, where's our explanation for why Michelle isn't running for president? She's so fierce. I'd vote.
8. Marina Joyce
She managed to get the whole world's attention better than any politician has. And...and...I just really hate Trump and Clinton, okay.
7. The kid sitting next to me in class right now who just looked over my shoulder and told me to put him in the article.

6. Beyonce
I know this one is too ideal and too good to be true, but who says we can't have a Queen instead of a President? Slay.
5. Gary Johnson
We interrupt this broadcasting to give an actual serious candidate: on the real guys please vote Gary Johnson.
4. Remy from Ratatouille
He ran a whole gourmet French restaurant ON HIS OWN and he's only a rat. Imagine what he could do with this country. #Remy2016
3. My dog
2. Kanye West
If you're not totally down to vote Kanye 2020 and risk ruining our entire country in the name of comedy, we can't be friends.
1. Harambe
How many of the other candidates died for us? That's what I thought. He's also polling ahead of Jill Stein.
Votes out for Harambe.