It is just about time for the county fairs! Every year no matter where you go, it seems that some characters just keep reappearing, some you love and some you love to hate. Either way, go check out your county fair and see if you can spot these lovely characters and some pretty cool projects a long the way.
1. The Die-Hard 4-Her
These are the kids the fair is for, the ones who work all year long for this one week. Most likely they will be running from barn to barn and building to building getting projects judged and making sure everything goes off perfectly.
2. The Die-Hard 4-H Parent
You know the one, that parent who is standing right behind their kid at every turn making sure all the projects are where they should be and every T is crossed and I is dotted.
3. The Overwhelmed Mother
Her gaggle of kiddos doesn't have any entries but she is running around all over the place trying to keep the kids all together and making sure they keep the breaking to a minimal
4. The Old Cowboy
It's the man everyone knows, even though he doesn't have any connection in the fair he is there every day just checking it all out and helping when he can. He's the man who can be spotted in old jeans and boots that have seen better days, even when it is a million degrees outside
5. The Farm Girl
She can be spotted right there with all the boys in one of the livestock barns probably has dirt on her face and her mother is probably a little bitter that the little farm girl won't do sewing or arts and crafts.
6. The Bug Kid
I don't know where they find all the bugs but they are the only kid in entomology. You can spot them from a mile away, everything about them screams "The Bug Kid".
7. Urban Cowboy
They conveniently are only around during the big shows and the rodeo. They don't do much but stand around and pretend like they know what is going on.
8. Just there because they have to
No seriously, they do the minimal amount and are grumpy the whole time. Most likely chaperoned by a psycho-pushy parent.
9. Cowgirl Princess
She is only a cowgirl once a year, about the time the urban cowboys come out to play. Look for mini-skirts and new boots that look like they have never been worn (because they haven't)
10. The Cute Old Couple
They look adorable walking from exhibit to exhibit looking at everything and offering nice little comments at everyone.