It is finally that time of year where the temperature is finally starting to cool down and you can finally break out all of your fall clothing items. Even though the temperature change is greatly welcomed, especially by people in the south where this has been a brutally hot summer, for people who are always cold this temperature change can suck sometimes. If you are like me and tend to always be cold, then you should be able to relate to what I have to say.
1. You always have a jacket with you
2. Once the temperature drops below 75, you start getting out your Fall and Winter clothing
You know that the temperature is only going to go down from here so you just decided to go ahead and prepare but getting out all of your Fall and Winter clothing. Then you just wait for the inevitable temperature drop.
3. You always sleep with multiple covers
4. You are pretty much used to goosebumps
They just serve as a reminder that you are currently freezing but you know that they will eventually go away.5. You wish that Fall temperatures would just last forever
6. You hate getting out of bed in the morning
For some reason your bed feels a lot more warm and comfortable when you are trying to get up than it did when you were trying to fall asleep. You also know that you will have to deal with the freezing cold temperature when you get out of bed so you prefer to postpone that moment when the cold air hits your skin for as long as possible.7. You also hate getting out of a hot shower
The shower is finally the perfect temperature, usually close to the hottest setting possible, and you know that the moment you turn it off the cold air will hit you. You know you need to get out and get ready but you really do not want to.8. Fuzzy socks are your best friend when it is cold
You probably already own a hundred pairs but will not object if someone decides to get you some for Christmas. You do not even mind sleeping in them even though you do not usually like sleeping in socks.
9. You own a ton of jackets
They are really comfortable and layering is amazing.
10. Even though you are always cold, you do not hate the cold
You actually kind of enjoy the cold but you do not want it to be cold forever. Spring temperatures are nice too.