Being a "pastor's kid" (PK) myself, I am always excited to meet fellow PKs and try to gauge their upbringing and compare it to mine. If you aren't a PK, here's a quick list to help you understand what it's like!
11. Being the First Family at Church and the Last One To Leave.
To all those people who show up at 10:45 a.m. for the 10:30 a.m. service time, this one is for you. A typical church day for a PK starts around 7:30 a.m. and ends closer to 1 p.m. You have to be there early to greet everyone who shows up and be the last one to leave to make sure everyone has had the chance to speak with you.
10. Being Involved in Everything Imaginable
Church lost a guitar player? Time to teach yourself and step up! An usher decided to skip church that day? Grab the offering plate and act like nothing happened. No Sunday School Teacher? Grab the extra lesson your dad has and learn it 30 minutes before Sunday school starts.
9. Anything That Happens at Home is Fair-Game for a Sermon Illustration
That one time you decided to miss curfew? Guess what, you've just become an illustration for everyone else to understand its time to be more "responsible."
8. Everyone Brings the "New Kids or Families" to You for Socializing
"Hi, my name is Ben, I'm the Pastor's oldest son." I couldn't tell you the amount of times I have repeated that very phrase in church. No, I'm not trying to name-drop my dad or stand out, it's just normal for me to say that.
7. Everyone Knows You But You Might Not Know Them
"Wow, I haven't seen you since you were 5!" Happens to me all the time.
6. Every Piece of Your Life is Under the Microscope
"How are your grades?" "Are you dating anyone?" "Are you married yet?" "Where are you working these days?" "What do you plan to do with your life?"
5. You're Allowed To Miss Church MAYBE Once a Year
The only reasonable excuses for missing church are: You currently are dying, you have a fever of 103 degrees, you had a school dance or prom the night before. If it's not one of the above, "see you next Sunday!"
4. When Your Dad Isn't Preaching Attendance Drops Off By 50 Percent
"I never knew our church doubled as a ghost town twice a year?"
3. When Offerings Are Low Its Time To "Crank Out a Good Tithing Sermon"
Everyone forgets that your family gets to eat dinner and have a home because of their money. Isn't it funny how that relationship works? "The annual budget report is released and we're $3,000 short for the year, time for a new sermon on giving to the Lord!"
2. When Your Mom Closes Her Bible You Know It's Time for Church to Be Over
The modern day equivalent to your mom closing her Bible is the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. When her Bible closes, expect your dad's sermon to be over in the next five minutes.
1. You Don't Get to Go to Kid's Camp or Youth Events By Yourself
Yeah, that girl you had a crush on that went to your youth group? Too bad. Your parents will be at the event so you can forget about crushing on her with them around.