If there is one thing in my life right now that I am proud of, it would be that I am a dog mom. Being a dog mom is great. The love my dog has for me and the love I have for my dog is not like any other. I'm 22 years old and she is the perfect match for me. However, being a dog mom is not all playing fetch and kisses. Sometimes it can bring on some tough "mom" moments. If you're a fellow dog mom, here are some things you should be familiar with.
1. Kisses
If you're a fellow dog mom, you know that kisses are a part of every day life. Our furry baby finds any reason to kiss us. Good morning kisses are probably the best ones though. If you're anything like me, you originally never liked kisses in the face, but now you can't go a day without a kiss from your baby.
2. Dog Patrol
Probably the biggest downfall to being a dog mom is having to pick up after our little baby. Sure we love them will all of our heart, but what comes out of them is not so lovable. Dog patrol is something that we cannot avoid, no body likes a poop filled yard.
3. "What are you eating?"
Asking our pup what she is eating is almost a daily occurrence. I'm always concerned about what she has gotten into. If you see your pup chewing on something and has that suspicious look we automatically ask them what they are eating. Sometimes this includes chasing them around and finally taking it our of their mouth physically. But lets all be real, we also give our pups a little treat, which is probably why they get into everything.
4. Furry Clothes
It doesn't matter if the clothes have just been washed, somehow there is always dog fur/hair on our clothing items. We can't escape it. It is everywhere, hence the need to many lint rollers.
5. Time Outs
As much as we hate this part of being a dog mom, there has to be some structure in the house. The dog does not own the house. If she does something that is wrong, as much as it pains us, she gets herself put in a time out. However, she always looks so adorable with her "i'm sorry" face that her time out lasts a very short time.
6. Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is a real thing. We all know our little baby has a hard time when we are not around. Sometimes they go a little crazy and destroy the house, sometimes they cry for hours, and sometimes they just patiently wait for us. Not only do they have a hard time, we as dog moms have a hard time being away.
7. Loud Noises
As a dog mom, we are always concerned about our little pup. Loud noises often scare them causing some anxiety. We have to get a little creative to help out our pups when it comes to those loud noises. Sometimes cuddling is enough, but sometimes we have to pull out some headphones and our laptop and put on a movie for them.
8. Constant Dog Posts
I cannot be the only dog mom who constantly has some post about their little baby. Everyone needs to know how adorable she is along with all the goofy little things she does. I alway am taking pictures, so I'm ready to post!
9. Extra Cleaning
Having a dog requires a little more than normal house cleaning. Although this is never a fun thing, our little baby usually helps us out and makes things a little more enjoyable.
10. A Happier Life
Dog moms are absolutely so happy with their life and honestly it's because of our furry little baby!