"One Tree Hill" is a TV drama that aired its first episode in 2003 and its last episode in 2012. The setting of the show is in a small town in North Carolina. The show revolves around the characters in high school. Lucas and Nathan Scott are the main characters on the TV show they share a father and a passion for playing basketball. The show follows these two as they enter adulthood.
As the TV show goes on more drama and secrets are unfolded. The characters each face their own challenges and hardships throughout the series. The show has the characters learn about themselves and overcome stereotypes. The show elaborates on themes such as friends, marriage, trust, love and death. The show focuses on real life situations, making it easy for views to connect to their own lives. The T.V show was such a great success due to it being so relatable to the viewers. One Tree Hill taught morals and life lessons. You saw the characters personalities develop and change over time throughout the series. The TV show was filled with excitement and emotions. The quotes describe different feelings that anyone can relate to. The characters on the show each had different personalities that made the show even more unique. The characters in this show offered inspirational and wise quotes that are still relevant even today.
1. "We're all crazy, some of us just hide it better than others."
Nathan Scott really hit the nail on the head with this one. Everyone is pretty crazy but some people just show it more than others.
2. "Everyday people all over the world get beat down. They lose their families. They lose their friends, and everyday those people fight like hell to put their lives back together. They don't curl in a ball and give up."
This quote describes how everyone is going through some kind of battle, but you should not let that defeat you. You have to overcome those obstacles.
3. "Life kicks you around sometimes; it scares you and it beats you up. There's a day when you realize you're not just a survivor, you're a warrior. You're tougher than anything it throws your way."
The always-inspiring Brooke Davis understood that you have to overcome the challenges you face and not let them define you.
4. "Taking chances and believing in the possibility even when life has given you every reason not to believe."
This very inspiring quote elaborates on how you should believe that something good will happen and that bad times do not last forever.
5. "It's the rule of life, whatever crap you pull always catches up to you. It's part of the game."
Basically Karma. Whatever actions you do in life will come back to. There is not many times you do something immoral and it doesn’t come back to haunt you.
6. "There's nothing to be afraid of; it's just life."
You should not fear life but live it to the fullest. Life should be fun and not filled with fear or worries.
7. "Most people are stronger than they know. They just forget to believe in it sometimes."
Keith Scott knew the deal with this quote. People can overcome anything with a positive outlook. People just tend to forget that when they are faced with difficult times. "One Tree Hill" focused a lot on the importance of believing in you.
8. "We all can use a little hope sometimes, you know? That feeling that everything is gonna be okay and that there's going to be someone there to help make sure of that."
Hope is important. Brooke understood that it is important to believe in something and to also believe in you
9. "Don't be too fat, or too thin, or too dark or too light; don't be too sexual, or too chaste, or too smart or too dumb. Be yourself. But make sure you fit in."
A common theme in "One Tree Hill" was body image and accepting yourself. The media has a large impact on body image and it is addressed through out the show. This quote explains how it is that is important to love yourself.
10. "It's the oldest story in the world. One day you're seventeen and planning for someday. And then, quietly and without you ever really noticing, someday is today. An then someday is yesterday. And this is your life."
This quote is one of the most popular "One Tree Hill" quotes. Life goes by fast and it's important to live each day to the fullest.