We have all been guilty of spending a little too much time on our smartphones, but if you were a fan of one or more of these games, you most likely spent way too much time on your phone. But, alas, as popular as these games once were, they seem to have slowly fizzled out.
Here's ten apps that used to drive people insane:
1. Angry Birds
Ah, it seems like only yesterday these birds catapulted into our lives.
This was a slightly weird, but very addicting game. When you think about it, it kind of borders on virtual animal abuse. Why were we trying to knock over pigs? And why were these birds so angry in the first place? Why did we have to catapult them into things if they could fly?
The list of questions goes on and on.
This app was huge. There's angry bird clothing, stuffed animals, and they even recently made an Angry Bird Movie.
But how many people you know actually still plays Angry Birds?
2. Draw Something
This was a really fun game, especially if you're like me and can't draw for shit. The only thing that got annoying about this game was when your opponent got lazy and just wrote out the word instead of drawing it out. It's called DRAW something not WRITE something. Come on, people.
And then you got the opponents who were the Picasso's of Draw Something, which made your poor attempt of drawing a cow (and completely butchering it, no pun intended) look even more pathetic.
My cow drawing vs. other people's cow drawings.
3. Fruit Ninja
This game is just awesome, and I'm honestly thinking about re-downloading it right about now. It's also a good way to get some anger out. Pissed off about something: why don't you just chop up some virtual fruit?!
4. Words with Friends
This game brought out the worst in people.
Seriously, this game started fights, even ended friendships! Mainly because everyone would cheat while playing this game, and if you didn't, you're lying. BUT if you got caught cheating by your opponent, well, you might as well have just kicked a puppy.
5. 2048
This may be the most frustrating game to ever exist. Anyone who has ever played it very much knows why.
6. Song Pop
This game was pretty mindless, but fun nonetheless. A song would begin to play, from the genre of your choice, and you would have to click what song it was from a list of choices, but you had to do it faster than your computer. So, it pretty much just tested how fast you could recognize something and press a button. Pretty groundbreaking stuff.
7. Temple Run
I believe this is the biggest game in the history of apps.
I remember everyone being obsessed with this game, so much so that the creators even made a "Temple Run 2". What's so special about this game? No idea. It really just tests your thumb speed, when you think about, with having to swipe left, right, down, and up. And what was with those weird Big Foot/wildebeast things that would come out and eat you if you lost? Kind of gruesome, if you ask me.
8. Flappy Bird
All I know is that I downloaded this app and deleted it within the same day because I sucked that bad.
What's with all these bird-related games?
9. Trivia Crack
The name of this game fits it nicely. It's addicting. Freshman year, my roommate and I would stay up until unGodly hours of the night answering trivia. It became terrifyingly competitive, to be honest.
Unlike other apps, at least this one got your brain moving! So it's totally OK that I recently downloaded this game again and have been playing it nonstop...right?
I just love the range of questions you get on Trivia Crack. One question will be "What color do you get when you mix yellow and blue?" and then the next one will be "If Charlie is traveling on a train at a speed of 100 miles per hour, what is my mom's middle name?"
10. Candy Crush
I think this was an app that made people go especially crazy. I know this, because I was one of these people. What I don't understand is what made Candy Crush so special? There's a bunch of games that are extremely similar to Candy Crush, so why is it that this specific game got so popular?
Several times a day I received a request on Facebook asking for more Candy Crush lives. It was relentless. And though it did play this game, I still don't really get the hype.
Well, there you have it. I hope this was a nice little throwback, and maybe now you're pondering why you spent so much time playing any of these games. Or, if you're like me, you are thinking of re-downloading all of them and staying in your bed playing them for the next five days.