Being the first born certainly has it's ups and downs. We have to live up to plenty of pesky expectations and responsibilities from our parents that our younger siblings get away with not doing. For example...
1. Having to have good grades.
Meanwhile my sisters grades look like:
2. Being a "good" example.
From my personal experience, this isn't how being a role model worked out (like the difference in report card). If anything, they'd give me that "doting" look when trying to be sarcastic.
3. Chores/Responsibilites
I'm not trying to say that I do everything I should, but that my siblings certainly aren't doing anything to help. I swear, this is what my eyeballs look like when I see them get away with not picking up after themselves. *Hmph* Delinquents.
4- Being used for trial and error.
Remember, we're our parents first test subjects. They learn the do's and don'ts to parenting through us. Meaning, they were way more prepared when child #2 popped out.
5. Patience.
Sadly, most siblings make annoying roommates. Fortunately, if you try looking at this through a positive light, I'd say we gain this unshakable patience skill that we carry for the rest of our lives.
6. Strict parents.
I kid you not, this is what it felt like when I came home after curfew. It took a few years to moderate the curfew issue for me. My sisters on the other hand, they have it easier.
7. Having your clothing stolen.
Why, yes, I DID notice my favorite necklace and expensive shirt went missing. No, I did not misplace them. Did my younger sister happen to see them? No, of course she didn't.
8. Your siblings copy you.
Yeah your clothing style, hobbies, taste in music, and way of speaking isn't just yours. Duh! Your sibling always just happened to be into the same thing as you. No biggie.
9. Babysitting your siblings.
Again, this is also what it's like or, at least, feels like. No, I didn't have plans Ma. I don't have friends or a social life or have anything else I'd rather do. I'll stay and watch the fiends.
10. Being blackmailed.
So you're in the middle of winning an argument when your sibling drops the "remember that time.." or "don't use my x...". Literally my face. Every. Single. Time.