10 Of The Best New Jersey Bands | The Odyssey Online
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10 Of The Best New Jersey Bands

There is so much good music from the Garden State that I feel like needed to be showcased.

10 Of The Best New Jersey Bands

Every band you’ll ever see always tells you to “support your local scene” and I realize not a lot of people even know what their local scene is. With notorious bands like The Misfits, The Front Bottoms, My Chemical Romance and Skid Row all coming from the Garden State it’s easy to see how good the NJ music scene is. So I’m doing my part here to help as I countdown (in no particular order) the 10 of the best NJ bands. These bands, for the most part are very under the radar and all of their music is cheaper than most so supporting these bands won’t hurt the bank and you’ll find yourself a new favorite band.

10. Pinegrove

The first band on this list is from Montclair. If you enjoy emo, indie folk sounds then Pinegrove is exactly what you’re looking for. They are currently signed to the indie Northeast based label Run for Cover Records and their most recent project “Cardinal” is on bandcamp currently to listen for free or to purchase for only 5 bucks. I recommend their song “New Friends” for new fans. They have well written lyrics and catchy riffs and choruses that will stay in your head for days.

9. Hot Gospel

This next band is a metalcore/hardcore band hailing from Vineland (South Jersey represent). Although Hot Gospel do not have many songs, with their entire discography only spanning 6 songs, all of their lyrics are masterfully crafted and hard hitting instruments that make you wanna punch a wall and that is a compliment I swear. All of their songs are on bandcamp to purchase for FREE, and c’mon who doesn’t love free music????

8. Dryjacket

DryJacket is an indie rock band from Marlton. DryJacket has gotten some traction recently, most notably being signed to Hopeless Records and getting the opportunity to be support on Yellowcard’s farewell world tour. Their bandcamp features their EP “Lights, Locks, and Faucets” for 4.99, and their newest single “Bill Gates’ Ringtone” is available for 1 dollar. The latter being a great introduction to the band with all the gang vocals you can dream of and a fast and catchy line “familiar places and sounds hit me before everything else”.

7. Honah Lee

Reppin’ the state capital in Trenton, Honah Lee tunes into old punk/skate rock, and sounds like something straight out of Tony Hawk Pro Skater...also a compliment I swear. They formed in 2008 and their most recent CD “33 on 45” is on their website for only 10 bucks, and you’re able to listen to that and their previous album “Life Won’t Let Me” for free on there also. I think the opener track from 33 on 45 “Time Flies” is the best song for new ears, it’s fast paced and really shows off their punk skills with their lyrical and vocal style.

6. City Limit

Here’s some more punk rock courtesy of New Brunswick’s very own City Limit. This is slower paced punk, but not any less intense. Their most recent album “Homebodies” is available on their record label’s website for free (more free music you’re welcome) but if you want to support the band (and I recommend you do) you can buy the album off of their bandcamp for only 3 bucks.

5. The Scandals

I’m keeping the ball rolling on punk rock, because when a band like The Misfits come from NJ you know there’ll be a lot of Punk to unpack. This time from Bayonne, The Scandals are a more pop-punk band, but their vocals are as rough as any pure punk band as you can find. Their most recent project was a split from another NJ native band “Jaguar Shark” (also a great band worth checking out). The split is available digitally for two dollars, and in a 7” vinyl for 5 dollars on their bandcamp. The Scandal’s cover of Jaguar Shark’s song “4202” is easily the best song out of the 4 songs on the split.

4. Gatherers

This is another band from Bayonne, but this time a post-hardcore band, signed to Equal Vision records. Their sound is the saddest post-hardcore can get, with slow instrumentals and a lot of passion in the vocals. Their most recent album “Quiet World” is on the bandcamp for 10 dollars, but on their bandcamp you can also, get their session at Audio Tree studio, which includes a pretty great 6 song mix of their talents for 5.99. Their most popular song “Ritual Flowers” is their most popular for a reason. Dark tones over some great slow instrumentation that you come to expect from a band in the post-hardcore genre.

3. Depreciator

Definitely the angriest band on the list comes Bayville’s Depreciator. This is pure slow chugging, down tempo, “punch in the face” hardcore and I couldn’t love it more if I tried. If you are a fan of the genre, then there is no reason Depreciator shouldn’t be in your repertoire. Their most recent release is their self-titled album, on bandcamp for only 3 dollars, which is a steal. Their song “Belligerent” is not only the longest song on the album but also one of the most hard hitting in my opinion, with some of the grimiest breakdowns in the entire Garden State.

2. Those Mockingbirds

Those Mockingbirds hails from Montclair and is a band that spans across many genres and experiments in any way they can. There really is no way to put one title on them. Their most recent single “How the Story Goes” dabbles in electronic while keeping an alt rock base. Meanwhile their last album “Penny the Dreadful” goes from Indie Rock, to 90s Grunge. For this reason it’s hard to find one song to embody what they do. So I just recommend it all (it isn’t a cop out). Their singles are all free on their bandcamp, and their album only will run you 5 dollar. You definitely will find something you like with “Those Mockingbirds

1. Modern Chemistry

Our final band is an Alt Rock band from New Brunswick: Modern Chemistry. They show elements from Alt Rock greats (most notably NY’s Brand New) while also throwing in their own style. Their slow instrumentals makes it easy to bob your head while listening to the sad lyrics and it works together in the best way. All of their EP’s are 5 dollars on bandcamp and their newest one from this past May “Dreaming Adjacent” was produced by Taking Back Sunday’s Adam Lazzara and is some of their best work yet. The best song is definitely their closer “Cutting Space” which is a musically beautiful song, with so much emotion and passion as he sings iconic lines such as “don’t say you don’t care”.

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