1. Smile
Smile when you're happy. Smile when you're sad. Smile because if you pretend and convince yourself you are happy, one day you actually will be.
2. Tell the truth
Nothing good ever comes out of lying. When you lie, you are proving to someone you don't respect them enough to tell them the truth. In the end, the truth will always come out anyway.
3. Compliment others
Build others up. When you tear people down, all it is is a reflection on the type of person you are. All it takes is a second of your day to say something that could make someone else smile for hours.
4. Be kind to everyone regardless of how you feel
Everyone has their own struggle and no one has the right to take away another person's happiness. Even if you are upset or having a bad day, taking it out on others benefits no one. When you are kind to everyone, people are kind to you and by continuously being surround by positive energy, happiness comes easily.
5. Help others
No matter what someone has done to you, help them in a time of need. What you put into the world is what you will get back.
6. Forgive those who wronged you
Forgive others for yourself not them. When someone has wronged you, holding a grudge retains negativity and anger in your life. Let go and move on. You will feel such a burden lift from my shoulders.
7. Take risks
You only have one life to live, so live it to the fullest. Don't think of everything that could go wrong; instead, focus on all that could go right. If you never try, the answer is always no. When you reflect on past experiences, you always regret the things you didn't do.
8. Appreciate the little things in life
In your life, you will never know the most important moments until they are past and gone. All too often, people focus on the future and the things they don't have instead of taking the time to appreciate what they do have.
9. Don’t talk about people behind their back
Even if someone makes you angry don't talk about them behind their back. Take up problems with the people that caused them. Things get lost in translation and miscommunications happen. Express concern and worry to those that love them if necessary, but never be malicious just because you can.
10. Be true to yourself
Never hide who you are to be liked. When you are your truest self, you will find the purest friends and loved ones. You will know they like you for you and never feel the need to change or conform. The less you try to deny the person you are, the happier you will be.