10 Gifts Every Journalism Student Needs
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10 Gifts Every Journalism Student Needs

What do you get when you cross a sports reporter with a vegetable? A common tater!

10 Gifts Every Journalism Student Needs
Warner Bros.

We have all been in a situation where we've had to tell a story, but some, like myself, want to do it for a living! As journalists, we encounter some hard times with covering news stories, meeting deadlines, and constantly going while we do our job. Buying for journalists can be a hassle for someone who doesn't need the most extravagant gifts to do their job. Composed below is a list of 10 gifts to get those journalism students who may be tricky to buy for, but they may be easier to buy for than you think!

1. Spiral Notebooks

When it comes to being a journalist, there is an abundance of note taking and catching key quotes to sell the story. With shorthand writing, it can get pretty messy, and fills up notepads quick! With a small purchase like this, you're able to help someone create stories of a lifetime.

Buy them on Amazon.

2. Ink Pens or Pencils

It may seem like a dumb, small purchase, but journalists rely heavily on pens and pencils to create masterpieces in a short period of time. Whether it be to catch a candidacy speech or a local hero's story, these small instruments are still critically used in a technologically advancing world.

Buy them on Amazon.

3. A New Backpack

With all of the gear that we have to carry around, it seems like bags wear out quicker than those new pens! With cameras, recorders, notepads, cell phones, and extra batteries to lug around, it can wear a bag that is not made to withstand this type of load. With investing in a new backpack or messenger bag, you can give the gift of professionalism and efficiency to the student in their future career.

Buy one on Amazon.

4. A Voice Recorder

When conducting interviews, and transcribing those interviews, most reporters can't capture the interviews verbatim. With the help of a voice recorder, you're able to go back and utilize quotes that were not captured in the initial interview, but also help to add interesting details to sell the piece to their audience as well.

Buy one on Amazon.

5. AP Style Handbook

This book is like the journalist bible! with the AP Handbook, it gives journalists the proper writing skills to write a socially-acceptable article, while also providing guidelines on word shortening, when to use numbers or words, etc. The book is a lifesaver from chewing of future editors or fellow journalists who may question your abilities.

Buy it on Amazon.

6. Camera Tripod

Not all journalists write for newspapers; some do podcasts or broadcasting and need to visually report news for the audience. With a flexible tripod like this one, it allows journalists to capture that "perfect angle" but on the perfect budget.

Buy one on Amazon.

7. Camera Lens Attachment Kit

Cell phones are becoming an essential tool for every journalist; it keeps them connected with viewers, allows them to post news stories instantly, and most importantly, it allows them to capture media with little to no effort. With the camera lens attachment kits, writers are able to capture photos and video of professional quality, at an amateur price. It's not a replacement for a digital camera but will help tremendously in time constrictions.

Buy one on Amazon.

8. Energy Bars

Energy Bars are the bonus gift for those who are always on the go. These little bars of amazingness helps to push through to submit by deadlines, or crunch to push out multiple stories. It may seem like a small gesture, but is going to be appreciated at 3 am on a cold winter's night.

Buy a pack on Amazon.

9. USB Drive

When you're going in to finalize and submit stories, it becomes a hassle after so long of carrying around a heavy laptop. A way to save time and space is to invest in a USB drive, preferably over 16gb, this will allow them to store multiple stories, pictures for the stories, or even videos if that is their specialty in journalism. Plus if you can find a novelty one like the one above, it's a conversation piece within itself.

Buy it on Amazon.


Coffee is the main power source of journalism students besides energy bars and gummy worms. It warms the soul, it soothes the stress of a workday away, and it gets them motivated after a night of drin...er...studying up on media ethics. Whether it be a gift card to Starbucks, a box of K-cups for a Keurig, or simply a bag of coffee beans, it will brighten their day up.

Buy a gift set on Amazon.

Just remember when you are shopping this year, it isn't about how much money you can spend. Some may believe that is the case, but by giving someone a gift that is meaningful, is more important than spending more than you can afford.

Please note that all items are in stock as of the time of publication. As an Amazon Associate, Odyssey may earn a portion of qualifying sales.

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