1. The Harry PotterSeries by J.K. Rowling
So this suggestion is probably a bit cliche at this point, but no one can ever deny the pure brilliance that came into writing these novels. If you liked the movies and you haven't read the books you're still missing out on so much magic, and imagination, and creativity. J.K. Rowling is known and will continue to be known around the world for these books for decades to come. Not only did Rowling make these characters and this world come to life- but she has every one of us muggles wishing so badly that Hagrid would knock down our door and tell us we're a wizard. The impact that this powerful author has on the entire world with what she created here is absolutely remarkable, and quite frankly you're not a true Potter fan unless you've read the books, because really movies do no justice to these works of literature.
2. The Devouring Series by Simon Holt
Many of you have probably never heard of this series or this author but these books are my favorite books in the world, I'd have to say they come to a pretty close tie with the Harry Potter series which is saying a lot. If you like horror, mystery, romance, and science fiction this series is absolutely for you. Let me just pull you in with the summary located on the back of the first book, "When dark creeps in and eats the light, bury your fears on Sorry Night. For in the winter's blackest hours comes the feasting of the Vours. No one can see it, the life they stole, your body is here but not your soul..." (Simon Holt). Creepy right? I read this entire series in about four days, and let me tell you, my hands and eyes were glued.
3. The Mara Dyer Trilogy by Michelle Hodkin
This is a newer trilogy that is out right now, and if you're into mystery and romance and super-human abilities this trilogy is absolutely in your league. The last page of the last book in this trilogy left me speechless and it still haunts me even today- just the thought that it leaves you with puts suspense not only in the fictional world you're reading but it begins to overlap in your own life as well. There's not much to say without spoiling it other than to just trust me and read it!
4. The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer
So I'm sure a lot of you would roll your eyes at this suggestion- shame on you. I believe truly that they ruined this entire series by making them into movies because the movies don't capture at all the plot that Meyer's was getting at here. This series is one of the most beautifully written love stories of the 21st century. If you are someone who has only seen the movies, or you haven't even seen the movies but you have a biased about it because it's now seen as "vampires versus werewolf's" you've got it all wrong. This is the modern generation's Romeo and Juliet people! My favorite quote is from the first book of the series when Bella states, "About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him- and I don't know how potent that part might be- that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him" (Stephenie Meyer). How can you read that beautifully written literature and not fall in love as well? This series is so much more than vampires and werewolf's- this is a love story about a man and a woman and their obstacles in between.
5. The Maze Runner Series by James Dashner
This series was fun for me to read. I actually saw the movie first, which I don't normally do, but even after seeing it I couldn't stop turning the pages. This series is just has a really cool apocalyptic vibe strung throughout as it mirrors friendship, and love, and honesty, and I had such a satisfying feeling after finishing that last book.
6. The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
I'm sure many of you have already either read this trilogy or seen the movies, but for those of you who haven't- read read read! Suzanne Collins is brilliant in this trilogy and I think my favorite part about it is the fact that the hero in this story is a teenage girl- I love that; girl power, always.
7. The Miss Peregrine Trilogy by Ransom Riggs
So this trilogy is quite different than most and if you don't like weird then you won't like these books- but I love this trilogy. These books are filled with monsters and powers and portals and friendship and pictures- yes there are photographs embedded within, cool right? Ransom Riggs does a beautiful job in intertwining the aspects of weirdness and humor and drama in every way possible. Just try it, what do you have to lose?
8. The Body Finder Series by Kimberly Derting
This is one of my favorite series and Kimberly Derting has absolutely won my heart in becoming one of my favorite authors as well. This is also mixed with supernatural powers, and friendship, and romance, and mystery... I notice a theme growing here don't you? Anyways... this series was also read within a week or two and I couldn't wait to come back from class, get cozy, and just read because I loved it that much. I was honestly so sad when it ended- I wanted more.
9. The Cellar and Awake by Natasha Preston
Okay, just to give you some insight these books are not a part of a series but they are both written by the same author so I put them in the same category. So, these somewhat follow my developing theme of genre attraction but they're both realistic in the sense that they could actually happen in real life (no supernaturals- I know that will disappoint some) but don't be discouraged quite yet! The Cellar is about a girl named Summer who gets kidnapped and the chapters alternate between her thoughts, her kidnappers thoughts, and her boyfriends thoughts throughout the entire novel- it kept me on the edge of my seat that's for sure. Similarly, Awake is about a girl who has almost no memory of her childhood, but after she gets in a car accident some memories start coming back, and well... things get interesting; you won't want to leave your house alone after reading these.
10. Anything and Everything James Patterson
Obviously anything James Patterson is on my list of must reads, I mean honestly the guy has two or more bookshelves in Barnes and Noble just for his collection of books- that's insane. I've read about four of his books so far and I wasn't disappointed with any of them. Anytime you see his name don't even hesitate because even if I haven't read that book yet- I can assure you that you'll like it if you liked my other suggestions. Patterson is known for murder mysteries much like the realism in Natasha Preston's books, and his thrillers definitely leave me a bit scared to sleep at night.