10 Must Read Books This Summer | The Odyssey Online
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10 Must Read Books This Summer

From One Book Lover To Another

10 Must Read Books This Summer

Hello, fellow book lovers, if you’re anything like me you get most excited for summer because it means that you can sit down in a chair (preferably on a beach somewhere) with a good book in hand. If not, than what does your summer even look like? Here, is a list of some of my favorite book I’ve read in the past year that hopefully you will enjoy reading this summer.

1. "Looking For Alaska" John Green

Unless you live under a rock I’m sure you know who John Green is, he is the guy that made you sob like a baby whilst reading or watching The Fault In Our Stars. This novel by John is my favorite of his many amazing novels. The characters in this book will have you instantly in love as will the story line. It’s a quick and easy read that will leave you rethinking everything.

2. "All The Bright Places" Jennifer Niven

From the first page of this book you will be hooked. The main characters, Violet and Finch are two characters unlike any I’ve met before in books. They both struggle with pain and depression but are able to save each other without knowing.

3. "Eleanor and Park" Rainbow Rowell

This book brings all sorts of emotions. It brings two completely opposite characters together that in the beginning share only one thing in common, being outsiders. Taking place in the 80’s they soon begin to share a love of comic books, and cassette tapes. This book focuses on bullying, abuse, and true love.

4. "Identical" Ellen Hopkins

All I can say about this book is you may think you know what it’s about when you read it but let me tell you, you are all wrong. A guaranteed jaw dropper upon finishing. You will be mind blown.

5. "Burned" Ellen Hopkins

It was very hard to limit this list to only two Ellen Hopkins books considering I’ve read twelve and am obsessed with every single one. Out of the twelve this has so far been my favorite. Pattyn Von Stratten is my favorite character from I might say any book I’ve read. Pattyn comes from a mormon family who acts anything like a family. She has an abusive alcoholic father, and a cold-hearted mother. After a series of unfortunate events Pattyn is punished by being sent to her Aunts house which turns out to be anything but a punishment.

6. "Girl Online" Zoe Sugg

I may be a little biased with this book because of my ongoing obsession with Zoe Sugg. Zoe Sugg is a 10 million and growing subscribed YouTuber who had the opportunity to write her own book. This book is about a simple anxious girl who falls in love with a famous singer without knowing it. It is an easy and quick read but a good one.

7. "Beautiful Disaster" Jamie Mcguire

This novel is what every girl wishes would happen to them when they have fallen in love with the wrong person. Travis is the bad boy, the commitment scared and Abby is the opposite but somehow he is changed and the rest is history. This is one that you won’t be able to put down until the end.

8. "Faking It" Cora Carmack

If you’re looking for a light and fun read this book is for you. While you thought reading 50 shades in public was embarrassing the cover to this one will make you want to keep your reading time at home. The story starts with Max whose parents are coming in town and who aren’t going to be happy to see her pierced and tattooed. So, what does any sensible girl do, grabs the nearest parent approvable boy and call him your boyfriend.

9. "Will Grayson Will Grayson" John Green

Yes, I had to add another John Green, which means the description to this book in unnecessary because of who wrote it. Basically its about two boys both names Will Grayson..crazy I know. It is an easy and fun read, promise.

10. "The Last Song" Nicholas Sparks

I had to add this one because it is my favorite story. I know, of course Nicholas Sparks but I have a soft spot for this story. Ronnie and Will’s love goes deeper in the book than in the movie like most. Even if you’ve seen the movie I highly suggest giving this a read, you won’t regret it.

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