Let me guess—you're currently procrastinating on homework by reading this Odyssey article. This is your "break time" though, so it's totally fine to pretend like you don't have a million other assignments to finish. You'll just start doing work again at 4:30 pm, and if that's not enough time, well, then there's always 5:00, 5:30 and 6:00 pm too. Your life is probably just a continuous cycle of work, sleep, eat, class and repeat; and I bet summer vacation has never sounded so wonderful. Am I right, or am I right?
Well, I totally understand how you feel and can relate 100 percent. However, I think we sometimes need to be reminded of how lucky we are to be receiving a college education. This opportunity is a privilege, not a chore, and if you need more motivation to get through the semester, here are 10 awesome movies that will help!
1. "The Pursuit of Happiness"
Hard work pays off in the end, and there's no better movie to prove this than "The Pursuit of Happyness." Plus, it's a Will Smith movie, so it's got to be great!
2. "Forrest Gump"
You'll cry and laugh, and I promise it'll become your #1 favorite movie ever!!!
3. "The Social Network"
Have you ever heard the story about how Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook and became the eighth richest man on Earth? If not, definitely watch this movie!
4. "The Blind Side"
A story about a boy who goes from being homeless with no support to an amazing football player with a loving family. Such a classic!
5. "Legally Blonde"
Who says you can't be a blonde sorority fashionista and go to Harvard Law School? This movie is hilarious, yet inspirational, and will prove to you that nothing is ever impossible!
6. "Slum Dog Millionaire"
The movie won eight Academy Awards, which is the most for any movie made in 2008! It's about a boy who used to be an orphan, and how we wins 20 million rupees (Indian currency) for answering all the answers correctly on a game show.
7. "The Gabby Douglas Story"
If Gabby Douglas could make the United State's Olympic gymnastic team and win a gold medal, then you can definitely get through college.
8. "3 Idiots"
This is actually an Indian movie, but don't worry, there are English subtitles! It was the highest grossing Bollywood film during its opening weekend, and really pinpoints what the true meaning of education is. Plus, who doesn't love a good comedy?
9. "42"
"Give me the uniform, give me the number on my back, and I'll give you the guts." -- Jackie Robinson. Seriously though, there are hundreds of thousands of people who have achieved greatness, and there is no reason for you to not become one of them.
10. "He Named Me Malala"
Here's a documentary about a 17-year-old girl who was shot in the head by the Taliban for wanting girls to be educated. She is fighting for all 66+ million girls who want to learn, but cannot because they're not wealthy enough or will be killed. So inspiring!