Haven't had enough football yet? Load up on all the classics before you venture off to Pasadena this break. There really isn't anything better than an inspirational halftime speech by your favorite actor to pump you up. You never know, if we pull this on off, maybe there will be a movie about us.
In light of Penn State's win over Wisconsin and announcement of the Rose Bowl, here are 10 of the greatest football movies:
1. "The Blindside"
"You threaten my son, you threaten me."
2. "Friday Night Lights"
"Perfection is being able to look your friends in the eye and know you did everything you could not to let them down."
3. "Radio"
" It's never a mistake to care for someone. That's *always* a good thing!" (Available on Netflix)
4. "Rudy"
"Well, you know what my dad always said, Having dreams is what makes life tolerable."
5. "Remember the Titians"
"Left side, Strong side!"
6. "The Longest Yard"
"Sure, I'll teach you to football." (Available on Netflix)
7. "We Are Marshall"
"We are, Marchall" ... more like We Are Penn State!!
8. "Jerry Maguire"
"Help me... help you. Help me, help you."
9. "The Waterboy"
"Now that's what I call high-quality H2O."
10. "Little Giants"
"Now we can run the annexation of Puerto Rico."