School is starting and while most of you are already started, others are just getting ready to start. While right now is basically just syllabus week, you know that eventually you'll have to study. So, here are some things to get the ball rolling to start studying for the new semester.
1. Clean up your Desk
I mean you can't have a messy disorganized work space, unless you like that sort of thing.
2. Get your text books
This one is pretty obvious
3.Get a notebook
Just in case you want to jot down some notes or want to review the notes you already took.
4. Grab some pens
Or some highlighters for the important information.
5. Turn off phone
This will be the hardest task to accomplish, even for me.
6. Look for a playlist
I have my own bumping playlist on Spotify to study with.
7. Get a glass of water
8. Get a healthy snack
Never study on an empty stomach.
9. Take a deep breath
10. Get cracking
Now get out there and start studying!