10 Most Insta-Worthy Spots In Boston | The Odyssey Online
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10 Most Insta-Worthy Spots In Boston

You'll be able to take the most enviable photo in Boston!

10 Most Insta-Worthy Spots In Boston
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Boston is a city of sites, historical landmarks and beautiful scenery. When walking around the city, there are so many opportunities to capture the moments as you go by. Finding things to do in Boston is easy, but if you need some help check out my tips for getting around and seeing the sites of Boston. Having an eye for the beauty of Boston will make for a very appealing photo. Here are 10 of the most instagrammable locations in Boston!

1. Boston Public Library

The famous arches of the Boston Public Library are a popular photograph to be taken, making it one of the great places in Boston to capture an Instagram. The library is a great place to study off-campus and an even better place to explore and learn about the history of the art and the books. With a collection of over 23 million items, you're bound to find something to learn and explore.

2. Fenway Park

Fenway Park is arguably the most famous site in Boston. Taking an Instagram at Fenway is a necessity! Capturing the baseball diamond and the famous lights that shine down on the field make for a perfect picture that highlights the heart of Boston.

3. Top of the Hub

The Top of the Hub houses a high-end Boston restaurant and a beautiful view of the city from 52 floors above the ground. From this soaring height, there are endless opportunities for an Instagram that will light up your friends' Instagram feeds. The view from above gives a great look at Boston and all the lights at nighttime.

4. Boston Public Garden

The Boston Public Garden gives opportunity for a picture of the landscape with Boston's famous skyscrapers in the background. There are endless locations in the garden to take an aesthetically pleasing picture. You can take a picture with the Swan Boats or along the bridge and leave with an enviable Insta.

5. Charles River Esplanade

Whether you're going for a run along the Charles or watching the boats go by, there are so many different scenes worth capturing for the perfect Insta. If you go along the Charles in the fall you can catch the famous Head of the Charles Regatta. At nighttime, you can collect endless sunset pictures.

6. Zakim Bridge

Boston's famous Zakim Bridge lights up at nighttime with different colors, making for the perfect photo moment. When traveling along the bridge, you can see the TD Garden and many of Boston's skyscrapers. Getting a picture of the colorful bridge at sunset is an essential for a Bostonian.

7. Seaport District

The up-and-coming Seaport District has many of Boston's most breathtaking views. Here, you can walk along Seaport Boulevard and take pictures of the boats in the water and all the new buildings along the road. The Seaport World Trade Center has many shows and events that are fun to go to and explore. There is no shortage of insta-worthy scenery in this part of the city!

8. Beacon Hill

Beacon Hill is a historic neighborhood of Boston featuring different period homes on the North Slope, South Slope and Flat of the Hill. In the 19th century, these different sections of Beacon Hill were distinct separations of class and wealth. Beacon Hill has quaint streets and homes that are worthy of that perfect photo for your Instagram!

9. Newbury Street

One of the best shopping streets in Boston is also one of the most picturesque streets. The renovated brownstone style buildings feature retail stores ranging in prices and styles. Just east of Massachusetts Avenue, Newbury Street runs for a mile with shops and restaurants on every block. Exploring Newbury Street is a must do in Boston and will leave you wanting more time to go back and walk through the streets.

10. Rose Kennedy Greenway

The Rose Kennedy Greenway consists of landscaped gardens, art, fountains and lights that are all great features for a photo. During the summer, there are often vendors selling art and handmade crafts. Children love to ride the carousel and look at the fountains in the nice weather. The flower gardens are always nicely landscaped and help make this park the bright and pretty place it is meant to be!

Finding places to explore and take pictures is a fun thing to do with friends in the city! There are so many places to see and go that make for a perfect photo. Now that you know the most aestetically pleasing places in Boston, go and explore and take lots of pictures along the way!

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