10 Most Common Responses When You Tell Someone You're From Minnesota | The Odyssey Online
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10 Most Common Responses When You Tell Someone You're From Minnesota

10 Most Common Responses When You Tell Someone You're From Minnesota

As with just about everywhere, being from Minnesota comes with it's own set of stereotypes. I was never acutely aware of other peoples' perceptions of my home state, until I left that is. I now attend school 1,376 miles away from home in Spokane, Washington. At Gonzaga, I am surrounded largely by West Coast dwellers who seem to have their own ideas about what the Midwest is really like.

Amongst the whirlwind of introductions that is college, I have noticed similar responses after telling people I am from Minnesota, here are the 10 most common:

1. "Oh wow brr isn't it like winter all the time there?!" (or some exclamatory statement about the cold)

Yup! Spot on! 12 months of snow, why do you think they call it MinneSNOWta? I think we might be on different pages when it comes to the definition of "cold", because anything above freezing here is considered to be balmy and people break out shorts and t-shirts as soon as it hits 50 degrees. Maybe it is colder than average here and sometimes school gets cancelled because of dangerously low temperatures but warm weather really does exist and there is nothing better than summer in Minnesota.

2. "Isn't there a really big mall there?"

That would be the Mall of America, home to over 500 stores and an amusement park. Honestly, I didn't really think this was a huge Minnesota trademark, but you'd be surprised how many out of staters think otherwise. Beware: the mall is a tourist hotspot so it is always busy, plus it is over 4 million square feet so it's really easy to lose your mom. If you want a true Black Friday experience (nightmare might be a better word?), this is your place.

3. "Where's your accent?"

I know, I know, you've seen the movie/TV show "Fargo" and now you're just convinced that's how we all talk in Minnesoooooota. Ohhhh yeah, you betcha!!!

4. "Are there really 10,000 lakes?"

Closer to 12,000 actually! The lakes are a key part of Minnesota culture and provide entertainment all year long. Once frozen, the lakes make the perfect pond hockey rink and what would summer be without boating at the cabin or paddle boarding across Calhoun. There are few problems that driving around the lakes with your best friends and the music blasting can't solve.

6. "My friend's cousin's grandma's neighbor lives there!"

This one happens a lot. People always seem to have a distant relative or know someone who knows someone who lives in Minnesota.

7. "Minnesota...Canada, pretty much the same thing. So you're from Canada!"

Haha good one!! A classic joke that just keeps getting funnier, really it never gets old! Lucky for you, this is a great opportunity for a geography refresher, Minnesota is part of the United States of America, a separate country directly south of Canada.

8. "Oh I've been to the Minneapolis airport before!"

Cool, same!! I wouldn't say a layover in Minneapolis counts as visiting the land of 10,000 lakes but I hope you at least got some Caribou and Chick-fil-A while you were waiting for your flight.

9. "Go Vikings! (or Twins or Wild or Timberwolves)" Usually said in a sarcastic tone.

C'mon this is just mean! Minnesota sports disappoint us more than we'd like but it doesn't stop devoted fans from showing up and cheering on their teams. Like when thousands of Minnesotans battled subzero temps (so cold that beards began to freeze and were covered in ice) to watch the Seahawks beat the Vikings in playoffs :/

10. "Lucky! Wow I am so jealous, I wish I was from Minnesota!'

Okay so maybe this isn't entirely true...but it should be people's response! Minnesota is one of those places that you just don't realize how great it is until you leave. If you haven't been, add it to your bucket list and make sure to visit Punch Pizza while you're here.

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