All of the awkward moment that are experienced by us, humans on the daily. We are all aware of these awkward moments but we never speak of them. After we do experience such things, we feel so stupid that we just want to crawl into a hole for hiding because you just can't believe that just happened.
1. When your waiter says 'Enjoy your meal,' and you reply, 'Thanks, you too.'
Pretty genuine mistake, huh
2. When you start waving hi to a friend, but they wave back to someone behind you.
We can agree that we have all been through this. It may suck but we all have we just end up making a fool out of ourselves
3. When you find a joke so funny, you feel the need to tell everyone. But, they don't get it and you're the only one laughing.
...Awkward, but you make a joke of it after as well.
4. When you are on a elevator with a stranger, and no one speaks.
Longest awkward silence ever
5. When people call instead of text.
Admit it, it's more comfortable communicating through text since you can edit your response instead of calls because then you do not get to think or edit your response.
6. Being the first one at a party and awkwardly sitting around waiting for more people to join.
So, you get on your phone pretending that you do have a lot of friends.
7. When you fart in class and pretend it's not you, even though everyone is looking at you.
Not me, not me.
8. When you think someone is talking to you, so you reply back but they are actually on their phone.
9. When the door says pull but you push and do it again and again.
Why can't all the doors just open when pushed?
10. When you still don't understand what the person has said even after saying, "What?" about five times
So, you just give up...