10 Best Moments In The Novel "Winnie-The-Pooh"
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10 Best Moments In The Novel "Winnie-The-Pooh"

Moments from the Bear of Very Little Brain and his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood

10 Best Moments In The Novel "Winnie-The-Pooh"
Pooh Pictures

A. A. Milne wrote the stories of the Hundred Acre Wood into two short novels, with ten stories each. This was plenty of material for Disney to weave into their 1977 film. Even so, many details were left out and allow for the infinite retelling of these characters stories. Whether or not they made it into Disney's animation, here are ten of the best moments in the novel "Winnie-The-Pooh."

1. When the honey bees are suspicious

Pooh isn’t convinced he’s tricked the bees into thinking he’s a rain cloud, so he asks Christopher Robin to bring out an umbrella and “walk up and down with it, and look up at [him] every now and then, and say ‘Tut-tut, it looks like rain.’”

2. When Pooh becomes a Wedged Bear in Great Tightness

Christopher Robin to reads him a Sustaining Book “at the North end of Pooh, and Rabbit hung his washing on the South end.”

3. When learning Piglet lives under a “TRESPASSERS W” sign

Piglet said it was an old family name, and his grandfather was called Trespassers W.

It was short for Trespassers Will, which was short for Trespassers William. And his grandfather had had two names in case he lost one — Trespassers after an uncle, and William after Trespassers.

4. When Piglet had a very a very specific thing to do when hunting for Woozles, but definitely not because he was afraid

“It isn’t the sort of thing you can do in the afternoon,” said Piglet quickly. “It’s a very particular morning thing, that has to be done in the morning, and, if possible, between the hours of— What would you say the time was?”
“About twelve,” said Winnie-the-Pooh, looking at the sun.
“Between, as I was saying, the hours of twelve and twelve five. So, really, dear old Pooh, if you’ll excuse me— l”

5. When we learn about Owls literary skills

For Owl, wise though he was in many ways, able to read and write and spell his own name WOL, yet somehow went all to pieces over delicate words like MEASLES and BUTTERED TOAST.

6. When Pooh wants to make sure his jar of honey isn’t actually cheese

It looked just like honey. “But you never can tell,” said Pooh. “I remember my uncle saying once that he had seen cheese just this colour.” So he put his tongue in, and took a large lick. “Yes,” he said, “it is. No doubt about that. And honey, I should say, right down to the bottom of the jar. Unless, of course,” he said, “somebody put cheese in at the bottom just for a joke. Perhaps I had better go a little further… just in case.”

7. When Eeyore’s birthday wasn’t ruined when Piglet popped his balloon present because Pooh gave Eeyore a Useful Pot

“Look, Piglet!”
And as Piglet looked sorrowfully round, Eeyore picked the balloon up with his teeth, and placed it carefully in the pot; picked it out and put it on the ground; and then picked it up again and put it carefully back.
“So it does!” said Pooh. “It goes in!”
“So it does!” said Piglet. “And it comes out!”
“Doesn’t it?” said Eeyore. “It goes in and out like anything.”
“I’m very glad,” said Pooh happily, “that I thought of giving you a Useful Pot to put things in.”
“I’m very glad,” said Piglet happily, “that I thought of giving you Something to put in a Useful Pot.”

8. When Alexander Beetle made a cameo appearance

“Hush!” said Christopher Robin turning round to Pooh,” “we’re just coming to a Dangerous Place.”
…“Hush!” said Eeyore in a terrible voice to all Rabbit’s friends-and-relations, and “Hush!” they said hastily to each other all down the line, until it got to the last one of all. And the last smallest friend-and-relation was so upset to find that the whole Expotition was saying “Hush!” to him, that he buried himself head downwards in a crack in the ground, and stayed there for two days until the danger was over, and then went home in a great hurry, and lived quietly with his Aunt ever-afterwards. His name was Alexander Beetle.

9. The discovery of The Brain of Pooh to rescue Piglet in the flood

And then this Bear, Pooh Bear, Winnie-the-Pooh, F.OP. (Friend of Piglet’s), R.C. (Rabbit’s Companion), P.D. (Pole Discoverer), E.C. and T.F. (Eeyore’s Comforter and Tail-finder)—in fact, Pooh himself—said something so clever that Christopher Robin could only look at him with mouth open and eyes staring, wondering if this was really the Bear of Very Little Brain whom he had known and loved so long.
“We might go in your umbrella,” said Pooh.
“We might go in your umbrella,” said Pooh.
We might go in your umbrella,” said Pooh.

10. When Pooh received a Special Pencil Case

"There were pencils in it marked “B” for Bear, and pencils marked “HB” for Helpful Bear, and pencils marked “BB” for Brave Bear."

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