MTV's Girl Code first aired on April 23, 2013, and although the show is no longer around, it brought laughter, embarrassment, and joy to its audience. Girl Code gained its following by talking about taboo topics and reassuring their audience that it is okay to be a little strange. Never failing to be a little too relatable, Girl Code lives on as the mantra for women everywhere.
1. When talking about being anti-social
You've probably been somewhere and unfortunately see someone you know; luckily your phone is right by your side and you use it to take cover to avoid conversation.
2. When talking about staying motivated
Eating a granola bar for breakfast, a salad for lunch to come home to your roommates ordering pizza, one slice won't kill you...right?
3. When talking about going out
Real friends don't expect you to go alone.
4. When talking about the struggle of growing up
When we were younger we were blind to the struggles of adulting.
5. When talking about the ideal day
Don't be ashamed of the days where you don't change out of your pajamas and you binge watch a whole season of Gossip Girl. We all do it.
6. When talking about your diet
Obviously, you can't start a diet on a Wednesday so you say the ever so popular phrase "My diet starts on Monday."
7. When talking about your painful awkward stage back in the day
If you didn't go through the phase of wearing heavy dark eyeliner and braces did you even go to middle school?
8. When talking about diet culture
Telling everyone you know (including your barista at Starbucks) that your on a diet and want to loose 5 lbs.
9. When talking about friendships
The beauty of friendship is being around people you love and not being ashamed when you sing in your tone deaf voice or dance in a spastic way.
10. When talking about how you really feel
You know who you are.
Thank you Girl Code for always being there when we needed reassurance that it was okay to be ourselves, you will be missed.