The college experience is basically just an insane combination of highs and lows, but it's an experience nonetheless. Your college years are definitely tough at times, but you've got to push through the late nights, insane debt and tears. You have to push through the hard times in hopes of coming out of college as a better person... With a higher pay grade.
No matter how rough college may be for you, just remember to keep your eyes on the prize. Remember that there are other people who get it. Most importantly, remember that "That's So Raven" gets it. It was right there in Eddie's iconic verse of the theme song, "If the future looks gray now, then everything's gon' change now!"
College is tough, but try to think about the future. Take a break from stressing out and check out these "That's So Raven" gifs that perfectly describe these 10 moments in college!
1. When you sleep through an exam that you spent all night studying for:
2. When you show up to class a few minutes late:
3. When you hear that there's free pizza (or free anything, really) on campus:
4. When you have to force yourself to find the time to workout:
5. When all of your professors schedule exams and/or due dates for the same week:
6. When you go back home for holidays:
7. When you remember that you have an assignment to do, 10 minutes before it's due:
8. When seemingly everything is just outside of your price range:
9. When a class, that you were thinking about skipping, gets canceled:
10. When you show up to class 15 minutes after waking up: