If you are a college or high school student, the chances of you being in LOVE with Adult Swim's Bob's Burgers ARE VERY HIGH! With characters like Louise, Gene, Tina, Bob, and Linda HOW COULD YOU NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH THIS SHOW?! This show has several musical numbers, and here are just a few of my personal favorites/ most memorable. Enjoy Bob's Burgers fans!
1. Oil Spill
I think everyone remembers this song! Its obviously not about an oil spill!
2. Genes Fart Song
I think every Bobs Burgers Fan remembers this EPIC song!
3. Electric Love
This is probably my favorite song out of ALL of them <3
4. Derek Dematopolis
This was a funny one aha.
5. This is Working
From the episode where Linda gets a job!
6. I'm not afraid of Snakes!
This is from the credits of one of the episodes! I LOVE Genes character! He is defiantly my favorite!
7. Nice things are Nice and Bad things are Bad
Everyone remembers this song!
8. Thanksgiving Song
This song was so popular that it was made into an actual song! We love Linda's songs!
9. Tina's Song
And this song xD It was at the end of an episode.
10. Butts, Anus, Art Crawl
This HILARIOUS song from Bobs Burgers was from the episode where Gail made tons of pictures of animals butts, and anuses!
Hope you enjoyed!