Let's be real, one of the most exciting things when joining a sorority is the number of t-shirts you get out of it. I mean, from shirts with your letters on it to shirts for Recruitment and Bid Day, the shirts truly pile up. And your sorority's t-shirt swap Facebook page certainly does not help prevent that number from growing. If you've found your sorority's t-shirt swap group, then you've probably encountered some of the same feelings outlined below.
1. When you’re a new member and you first start scrolling through the Facebook group, overwhelmed by all of the options and excited to get your first shirt with your chapter name on it.
2. When you see a cute t-shirt posted that is way out of your budget.
3. But then you decide that it’s worth the extra money because who knows when this design will be on sale again!
4. Or when your chapter’s T-Shirt Chair organizes a bulk order for an expensive shirt so the price comes down a little more and you can finally get it.
5. Seeing another sister selling a t-shirt that you love, only to see that someone else bought it before you could express your interest.
6. When it gets to the point you’re so used to the group that you have nearly all of the t-shirts posted on the page (or your closet just doesn’t have enough space for more shirts with your letters on it!)
7. When University Tees puts out a new cute shirt and you quickly go to add your email to the comments.
8. But when you forget to turn off notifications for the post and your Facebook notifications explode with other members commenting on the photo. (Because let's be honest, everything by University Tees is adorable!)
9. When you finally place your order and you have to wait for your shirt to come in the mail (which sometimes can honestly feel like forever!)
10. Yet when it finally arrives and you can finally wear your new sorority shirt over and over again until the next cute shirt is posted in the group!
We should all get used to this cycle. After all, it's going to continue until we graduate. Happy shopping!