On October 3rd, 2004, Aaron Samuels asked Cady Herron what day it was--and the rest goes down in history.
For the past 14 years, the first week of October has been declared "Mean Girls Week." This comedy rocked the world of teenage girls with its release and ever since has been one of the most quotable movies ever to be made. So why not celebrate and reminisce about the good old days, the best characters and hilarious quotes "Mean Girls" has to offer? Here are ten "Mean Girls" quotes that you've related to your everyday life.
1. When talking about food.
We've all asked ourselves more than once, does butter really counts against us? Regina and Paula Deen are doing it right. Butter is made from cows, therefore it's healthy, right? Right.
2. Someone shows up uninvited.
Admit it, there's been someone that shows up at a girls night that you didn't invite, or don't really want there. There are a billion thoughts running inside your head as to how she got invited, but mostly you just want to shout this from the top of your lungs.
3. Trying to eat healthy food.
Regina kills it again with the food quotes. Whether you or your friend are trying to eat healthy, we all have those days where we throw it in the towel to indulge in our favorite, unhealthy foods.
4. Deciding on plans for the evening.
When deciding how to spend time with your best gal pals, Karen understands what real fun is. If we're being honest, 80% of the time spent with our closest friends is spent either talking about food or actually eating somewhere.
5. Trying to smooth over an argument.
Whether fighting with your sister or best friend, life would just be a whole lot easier if we could bake a cake, eat it and be happy. If only conflict resolution could actually be resolved with frosting, rainbows, and smiles.
6. Thinking about your friends.
7. When your sister tries to tell you what to do.
Sisters are bossy, and oftentimes they stick their nose in places they don't belong. Mom always says that telling someone to "shut up" isn't nice, but sometimes it is the only way to get them to stop bothering you. Sorry mom.
8. Watching the news.
Between watching the news, reading the web or picking up a newspaper -- our world is a disaster. This also goes for how we feel sitting in an airport watching the eclectic variety of clothing choices walking around.
9. When thinking about Hillary Clinton being the next president.
I would forward you more GIFs, but I've somehow deleted the emails.
10. Trying to ditch on plans.
The perfect excuse when you are either avoiding someone, or you just don't want to get out of your comfy clothes. Netflix is calling, maybe we can hang out another time when I'm not feeling "under the weather."
The Plastics will forever live on in the minds and hearts of teenage girls around the world. As we celebrate Mean Girls Week, be sure to indulge by watching and re-watching this classic. Don't forget, that on Wednesdays we wear pink.