On Friday, the third installment of the "Captain America" franchise and thirteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, "Captain America: Civil War", was released. The film's plot centers around a legal document called the Sacovia Accords that would place The Avengers under the control of the United Nations. This act splits the team in half with some led by Iron Man believing the management will prevent civilian casualties while others led by Captain America believe that operating independently keeps the Avengers for acting for government entity can lead to acting for the wrong reasons and interests outside of the safety of humanity. I asked Marvel fans which team they were on.
Team Iron Man
"I'm Team Iron Man because he is willing to do whatever it takes to protect us from the world, no matter what the cost is, even to himself. Other heroes might be willing to give their lives, but Iron Man is also willing to sell his soul if it means saving the world and others."
"I'm Team Iron Man because I want my superheroes to make me feel safe."
"Team Iron Man because I love Spiderman"
"Iron Man - Spiderman is on his team and Iron Man has more high-tech capabilities while fighting his enemies."
"I am on Team Iron Man. Team Iron Man represents an overall system opposes radical and eccentric action...plus he has Spiderman."
Team Captain America
"Team Cap because freedom is worth the risk."
"Team Cap because when the government controls what the heroes do, they control who the villains are."
-Has better morals from day one.
-Freedom is always worth it.
-Always puts others before himself.
-Will always protect the best interest."
"Team Cap because the price of freedom is high...and it's a price he's willing to pay!"
"Captain A: I think he is justified in not wanting to have to reveal his identity. Although people may already know his, he would still like freedom to not be forced to and if he is going to be limited by all the restrictions, he will be less effective as will all superheroes."