10 Marilyn Manson Songs You Need To Listen To | The Odyssey Online
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10 Marilyn Manson Songs You Need To Listen To

Get ready for heaven turned upside down!

10 Marilyn Manson Songs You Need To Listen To
The Awesome Daily

Rumour has it that Marilyn Manson has a new album, heaven upside down, and it is coming out this summer. It was due for release under a different name, Say10, on valentines day of this year, which means I spent the day waiting for my music rather than flowers. However, it did not come out for reasons not mentioned. I am still hopeful that my all-time favourite band will release this album soon, and in light of this I decided to list my top 10 songs of Marilyn Manson.

10. Red Carpet Grave

Manson has expressed his options about fame in his music quite frequently, especially in the album, Mechanical Animals. This song is refreshing as it is dark, he always manages to make thoughts and subjects compelling in his music, and you have to listen to lyrics to really understand the message. This song is all that, and it is universal, I feel like even if you do not like Manson, this song will still be on your playlist.

Stand out lyric: "Without distractions of hope she makes the depression business look surprisingly novel"

9. Spade

This song is different to what I usually like by Manson, the verses are slow and his vocal range feels a little off. However, I find the lyrics to this song beautiful. One can interpret this song however they want and I have read many variations (to be fair this is true for pretty much all of Manson's music). The symbolism and imagery in this song is incredible, and I feel like it really shows his true talent as a writer.

Stand out lyric: "I'm a diamond that is tired, Of all the faces I've acquired"

8. User Friendly

This is the first song I have ever heard by Marilyn Manson, so I have a sort of connection to it. There are not a lot of songs out there about friends with benefits and what that feels like, especially from a guys perspective. It's not a love song, it isn't sad, it just feels quite real and honest. It's about being intimate with someone but you don't really feel anything, but still feel something. Plus, you can totally just enjoy the song for the music.

Stand out lyric: "Will you die when you're high, You'd never die just for me"

7. Blank and White

I actually only became a big fan of this song recently. It's just a fun song, sarcastic, cynical and very Manson. Fun fact about this song, in the line "let's shoot up the mall the school or the president of whatever" the president of whatever is bleeped out in the album version. The record label did not want to have any allegations put on them...which makes the song even more awesome.

Stand out lyric: already mentioned ;)

6. Breaking the same old ground

I will admit, I feel like Born Villain was weak, and I felt this album was going to be the end of his career (although Pale Emperor came to save the day). The tune is calming, and quite addictive. This song is the only original song I truly like from this album (other than the cover, you're so vain).

Stand out lyric: "Well, let me show you what I think of your lips"

5. Kaboom Kaboom

I don't know if this is a song about love, obsession, hate, fame, or all in between. Kaboom makes me think of the sound of a heart beating. It shows the decline of sanity, through out the song, the lyrics make less sense but in a way it works! I love this song to pieces, I can listen to it all day and I am always bumped out that it is not even longer. The last chorus is awesome, just proves the point of how he went crazy.

Stand out lyric: 'Call it fake I call it good as it gets"

4. Coma Black

The continuation of "coma white", this song reflects the outcome of failed love and feelings of helplessness. It's a hard song to listen to in my opinion, the music drives you and it moved my chest the first time I heard it. It feels really authentic and I find this an incredibly underrated song. I feel like Manson really poured out his heart, I feel like this is a song he needed to write, and even if thats not true it makes the song beautiful.

Stand out lyric: "but the simple word "love" itself already died and went away"

3. Speed of Pain

Finally I get to talk about some more songs from my favourite album, Mechanical Animals. This song has an amazing message, about perception of time in our moments. This is a love song, where both partners did wrong to eachother, and the suffering of love from both ends. It's about getting over someone, and it feels like it takes forever. And the bridge gives me tingles. It's beautiful.

Stand out lyric: "I can't lay on my back 'Cause there's a knife For every day that I've known you."

2. Cupid Carries a Gun

Even the title is a genius, everyone I have showed this song to have pointed out how freaking cool the name of the song is. This jazzy, blues, rock twist is everything one can ask for in a song. It's just upbeat, out there, happy, sad everything. A perception of love that can't be explained, cupid goes there and kills you, a more aggressive version of his bow and arrow. The second you hear this song, you're hooked, I promise. Anyone will like this song.

Stand out lyric: "Starless, but she fucks like a comet"

1. Fundamentally Loathsome

This song is seriously under-rated. I think its the most underrated Manson song, or I am going to say it, just most underrated song, period. This song sounds like being in an abusive relationship of any kind. He portrays a face of self loathing and insercuirty. It brings a pessimistic view of the world, though the fault of having someone ruin you, it's a rare feeling, and I don't think anyone can describe it like this song. Plus, it is not so heavy on the ears. I think this song is my favourite because of the bridge, and the heaviness of the lyrics

Stand out lyric: "Shoot myself to love you, if I loved myself I'd be shooting you" (can we talk about how awesome that line is).

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